ch 1.

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King pov
Wednesday, September 11th 6:45pm

"I'm talkin green tip 556
And a blick too
Oh he lack
Blick him
Blick him
Blick you..."

My client mumble along with the song playing loudly from the speaker as I cut his hair. " See dats the problem with you young bucks out here" Mr. Willie said loudly as he carried on with his loud rant " always talm bout yo blicks and yo blocks" he said as he took a pause to look around once more before looking at my client and saying " lil nigga can you read." That invoked a couple of chuckles from the other people sitting around in the barber shop.

" Ight now Mr. Willie" Rubee said as she went to go sit down at the front desk " what I don told yo old ass about messing with the clients" she said to him before turning the chair around and typing away on the computer."And the woman ain't lady like no mo" Mr. Willie said as he waved her off. " Willie show some respect that's my daughter" my dad said as he walked out of the back office over to an empty barbers seat where no one was stationed. Ding! Ding!

I looked over at the door to see a dark skinned man walking in the door with a little brown skin boy pouting his lips as his little fro went every which way. The male smacked his plump lips together as he bent down to pick the boy up. I couldn't help but stare at him as he walked over to the front desk. I licked my lips as I quickly finished up with my client.

"Ight I'm done" I said to the light skinned boy that was at least 16 as I unhooked my cape from around his neck. " Imma walk you to the front desk to check you out" I said grabbing the boys shoulder as I only looked up ahead at the dark skinned male that was now talking to my sister. The closer I got the more I was able to decipher his tattoos. " Aye Rubee I need you to check my client out and I can take care of them" as I said that Rubee turned around in her chair while the dark skinned male and the brown skinned lil boy looked up at me. " Ight" she said turning her chair around as the male walked over towards me with a blank experience on his face.

He looked me up and down before leaning in a little closer and asking " cuh I know you from some where?" He said confused he was so close that I could smell the strawberry candies he was chewing on before coming in and I could even see the redness the candy leftover on his tongue. " Hmm I don't think so" I said replying to his question " but what can I help you with today?" I asked as I looked between the lil boy and him noting the big similarities between the both of them looks wise.

" Yea I need you ta jus line my son up and just give him a little tapa(taper) and a temp fade" he said with his heavy accent and smooth voice. I was so caught up in the man's voice that I almost didn't hear the wines that the lil boy let out as he pouted his lips some more. The male smacked his lips" bruh I don all ready told you he not bout'a cut all yo hair off" he said as he looked at the lil boy "and imma shoot him if he fuck yo shit up" he said in what I assume was supposed to be a whisper. In response to that the lil boy chuckled a bit showing off his dimples as his daddy  wiped his face.

" I can do that so you don't gotta waste yo bullets" I said chuckling a little bit. " You're so lame" the male said chuckling along revealing where the lil boy inherited his dimples from. "Well you can just leave your number and I'll call you when I get done with his hair if you ok with that" I said looking at him " ight coo" he said before reaching down in his pocket and grabbing his phone." But I don't have any paper" I said looking around before grabbing my phone " but you can just put yo number in my phone."

He looked in between me and my phone." Ight" he said grabbing my phone. After typing away in my phone he handed it back to me." Ight Ej imma be back to come get you in like 20 sum minutes so don't be actin up" he said as he sat the lil boy down before turning around and walking out the building.

As I put the cape on the lil boy I looked down at my phone to see the contact " Ja" just hovering over a phone number.

This is the end of chapter 1 and I hoped y'all liked it.

This is my first story so talk ta me nice. And I got high towards the end of the chapter and I hope y'all can't tell.

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