chapter 8 are you guys married

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It was the next morning and levi was slowly waking up

He yawned before sitting up looking at the couch to see Y/N not there
"I guess she had to be somewhere early"

With that he started to get ready for the day before leaving the room to go to the hall to get food


He turned around to see hange running to him

"Im good thank you for asking" hange said walking with him
Levi just rolled his eyes
"So levi how dose it feel to be back"
"I hate it" levi said simply
"Aww shame..why did you come then"

"Because Y/N is here"
"I see..." hange didnt say anything after that just humming to herself

They both arrived to the hall levi getting himself a black tea while hange didnt get anything
Then finding a table that was free to seat down

"Do you know where Y/N is" levi asked

"No idea"
With that they say eren walk into the hall looking around

"EREN IM HERE" hange shouted waving her hand to her

Eren made his way to them
"Hello captain levi....and captain hange"
"Oh eren no need to be so formal " hange said moving to the side abit to that eren could sit down

"So what did you want to see me about cap- i mean hange" eren asked

"I wanted to know if you wanted to help me with changing the world"
Hange said putting her arm around is shoulder smirking at him

"Um...what do you mean"
"EXPERIMENTS OF COURSE"  hange screamed standing up raising her arms

Levi just sighed shaking his head

"Well of i want to help" eren said

"good lets go" hange said grabbing erens hand walking away saying goodbye to levi
He just hummed back

He finished his black tea walking out the hall going to the field

He stood outside taking a deep breath of the fresh air before feeling a pair of arms around his waist

"Kitten~" Y/N whispered in his ear then kisses his neck

"What?" Levi said looking back at her

"Hmm why are you so moody" Y/N pouted
Levi removed her arms from his waist looking at her with crossed arms

"What" Y/N asked

"Tell me about the squad"
"We are still on about this"
Y/N just sighed
"Look they are all from the underground like us...when you left i made a little group and we basically did what you isabel and farrlen did when erwim said i could make my own squad i choose them...." Y /N said

"Hmmmm" levi frown
"What now" Y/N chuckled
"Are you telling me everything" he said walking closer
"Yes" Y/N said simply
He just hummed about to walk away
Y/N grabbed his arm pulling him closer then kissing him
Levi was gonna pull away but gave up kissing back enjoying it

"You didnt have a morning kiss so im having it now" Y/N said between the kiss

Levi just moaned pulling her closer

Then they heard a someone clear there throat
They both looked at where it was heard to see eren standing there

"Oh can i help you" levi said pulling away from YN adjusting himself

"N-no i was just walking by so it true?" Eren said

"What?" Levi asked
"Are you guys married?"
Y/N grabbed levis left arm showing his ring then showing hers

"Oh.." eren said looking down

"Why do you ask?" Y/N said walking  closer

"Oh its just armin was telling me that you guys got married but i didnt believe it"
Y/N just looked at eren confused tilting her head abit

"Well we are understand so back off from my wife" levi said glaring at him

"N-no i d-didnt mean it like that" eren said shaking his head

Y/N just chuckled before speaking
"Well if thats all ill be off see you later" waving walking away

Levi was kinda annoyed
If this freak didnt show up i would still be in Y/N arms right now he said in his head looking at eren coldly

"Where is hange?" Levi asked
"Oh erwin called her so i was looking for my friends"

"I see...well im going" levi said not looking back walking off

"Oh goodbye captain"

i had to leave him behindUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum