chapter 6 understood

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It was the next day and eld, oluo, gunther, jug and petra were in a meeting room

"Why are we here?" Gunther asked

"I don't know" petra said sighing
5 minutes later levi walked in

Everyone looked surprised to see levi
"Captain levi" oluo said standing
"Sit why you looking at me as if im a ghost" levi said bluntly

Gunther coughed trying to hold his laughter

"So im guessing my second in command is now Captain?" Levi asked

"Y-yes sir" eld said
"Well congrats your down graded to second in command again as im back"  levi said taking a seat

"Now tell me...what do you guys know about eren and Y/N squad?"

"Oh well when it comes to Y/N squad its kinda a mystery i know she hand picked them but i dont think they were cadets  before
When it comes to them i think they are like a special squad for special occasion like whats going on with eren....but even though its been less then a week Y/N has gotten 34 titan kills to her name and the rest of her squad have gotten around 10 to 15" petra said

"Hmm....and eren?" Levi asked

"Well hes just a kid but when the walls fell somehow he turned into a titan he was about to seal the wall and erwin was able to convince the higher ups to let us take care of eren"

"How though"
"Thats the thing i think thats why erwin made Y/N captain because even though she wasnt a scouts for long she was highly viewed"

Levi thought for a bit and it made sense well from what he new anyway

"When are they coming back?" Levi asked

"Oh they should already be back"oluo said

Levi stood up saying the meeting was dismissed leaving the room

He was walking down the hall to the front entrance when he heard someone

"LEVI" he turned to see hange running to him
Hange opened her arms about to hug him
But levi put his arm putting signalling her to not

Hange understood and hugged herself instead
"Why are you here my friend"
"To find Y/N"
"Oh shes with eren right now outside but anyw-"

"Talk later"
Cutting hange off he went outside not wanting to waste time

He got outside looking around but saw a boy holding a box carrying it somewhere

"Hey you" levi said walking up to him

The boy turned around to see who was calling him
"Wow your captain levi"
"Yeah yeah anyway whats your name?"

"Oh im eren sir"
"Oh so your the kid that can turn into a titan"

"Y-yes sir"
"Where is your captain" 
"Shes right there" eren said looking toward the field

Levi looked also to see Y/N standing still wearing full ODM gear

"Stay here" levi said walking away nkt caring what eren had to say back

Levi walked to her quickly
"Hey...dumbass"levi said standing behind her

Y/N sighed

"Why are you here.." Y/N said still not turning around

This made levi mad
He grabbed her shoulder making her turn around then slapping her

"You...fucking...left me" levi said trying not to tear up

Y/N didnt say anything just looked down
"Huh nothing to say? What you trying to say karma is a bitch or something i left you behind so you want to do the same"

"Levi...i want to protect you im hear so that you dont have to be" Y/N said with a low voice

"What your my hero now?"

"No have been through hell when hange and erwin came to visit they wanted both of us but i didn't want you to come back"
Y/N said almost crying

"I..I wont let you go through that again i wont" she said lifting her head finally

"so levi...please go home"

"And what if you die? And you don't come back"
"Ill always come back to you i wont let some titan stop me from doing that"

"Y/ die i die you understand?...where you go i go"
Levi said stepping closer to her
"Shut it you said you wanted to be with me forever so ill be here if you like it or not i wont leave you...not again"

After that Y/N pulled him in for a hug crying a little
"Its the same for die i die"

Levi hugged back
"I dont need you to protect me..just be by my side ok?"

They pulled off the hug

"Y-yeah understood"

i had to leave him behindDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora