↞ Jake Sully ↠

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"No, it looks like you. This is your Avatar now, Jake."

Two years later ...

An Ex-marine in a wheelchair and a lanky Xenoanthropologist made their ways through the hallways of Hell's Gate, their home for the next five or so years. The two had only arrived on Pandora that morning, after spending over five years in transit through space to arrive on the far off moon.
The Marine was reluctant to converse to his over-eager companion, who filled in the time with his constant rambling and tangents of mildly-interesting conversation that the Marine didn't have enough knowledge to partake in.

His companion had introduced himself as Norm Spellman, a tall and lanky man with curious green eyes and dark brown hair cut choppily and a large backpack that he could barely carry. In high school, he'd be called a nerd, someone that Jake and his friends may or may not of picked on. He'd apparently known the Marines brother from when they did Avatar training together, he said the two of them were good friends. Norm offered some sentiment towards the man, saying that he was sorry that his brother had died. But the Marine brushed off his concern, continuing to roll onwards towards where he hoped the lab was.
His name?
Jake Sully.
Twin brother to Tom Sully.
Replacement driver.
The RDA officials told him that his DNA was so close to Tom's that he was compatible with his twins Avatar and that they wanted him to go to Pandora as to not put the millions of dollars to waste. So he sure as hell took the offer. And he here was now. An Avatar driver. A being grown from his brothers DNA and the DNA of the natives. It was a chance at a new life, to leave the hell hole that was Earth. Tommy's death shook him, his brother, his twin, the one person in life that he could trust. Dead. Murdered for the paper in his wallet. Killed without hesitation.
It was a fucked up world. Not many lived, and only a few survived.

As the two entered the lab, Jakes attention was caught by two glowing blue tubes, filled with bright blue liquid and a humanoid form. A scientist was checking the stats by the tank, rushing around and telling other lab workers how to set the tanks up.
It left Jake and Norm shocked, the two staring at the beings with awe before Jake rolled past his companion and straight up to the tank, pumping the wheels.
The humanoid was tall, taller than any normal human being should be, and his skin was a shade of cyan-blue with darker stripes and pulsating dots of light. Jake observed its features, noting the long flowing black hair and a twitching blue tail. It was ... alien like, but oddly beautiful.

"Damn, they got big." Jake muttered as he gazed at Tommy's Avatar.

"Yeah," said Norm, coming up beside him, "They matured on the flight out. So the proprioceptive sims worked pretty well."

The scientist that was working around amnio tanks ambled over to the two, his curly brown hair bouncing slightly, he introduced himself as Doctor Max Patel.
"Yeah, they've got great muscle tone. Give us a few hours, and you guys can take them for a spin."

The Avatar at that point twitched more and moved its head to face the three gathered around its tank. And its face. It looked just like Tommy. Even with feline ears and a broad flat nose.

"It looks like him." Jake observed glumly.

Norm put a hand on his companions shoulder, "No, it looks like you. It's your Avatar now, Jake."

He nodded, slightly distracted.

Max called them over to where he was standing. A section of the lab was dedicated to a large collection of computers and desks that weren't covered in science equipment. Instead they were covered with keyboards, projectors, towers, high-tech screens, microphones, outlets and USB ports, it would be a tech-nerds paradise.

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