↞ Deal with the Devil ↠

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"Why did you chose me?"

"You what?" Rune raised an inquisitive brow at the pair as the man finished signing the message to her, almost choking on her cup of tea.

"I am Dylan O'Connell and this is Lysistrata Vasquez, we're part of the R-D-A Enrolment and Employment department. We are here to propose a potential job for you Ms. Chapman, on Pandora." Dylan signed the letters R-D-A out, as his partner, Vasquez talked, translating her words as she spoke.

"Pandora?" she signed, "Why do you want me for a job on Pandora?"

Rune could see Vasquez turning to Dylan and asking him what she was signing, to which Rune could hear, albeit muffled due to Vasquez whispering to be 'polite'.

"Well, actually, the R-D-A and the UN Xeno-Exploration comity actually got a request from Doctor Grace Augustine that you be put on the waiting list for the program before she left for Pandora, to which they agreed due to your qualifications and their need for them." He answered.

"Wait, Grace Augustine?" Rune asked excitedly, raising her voice out of her mood but also to make it easier to hear herself talk, "The Grace Augustine? As in the one in my books? The best Xeno-biologist to exist?!"

Dylan confirmed what she was excited over.

"How did she find out about me? Why are they interested?" 

"Apparently, Dr. Augustine has read your theses papers before and they took her interest, that is what I have heard."

"Why did you chose me?" she signed back, unsure as to why said mining company was interested in her.

"To help document Pandora. To help scientists. The UN also want a full historical documentation of everything you can find out about the clan that they are studying there currently. We want you to work with Dr. Augustine to record the Na'vi and learn about them. I hope you've heard of the Na'vi, right?"

Rune nodded. She had heard of tales and seen images of the tall, blue aliens that inhabited the moon of Polyphemus, although she only knew a little about them, they sounded mythical.

"Also because you have an extensive degree in Anthropology, doing many postgraduate studies, alongside having attended an R-D-A funded University. And you have spent roughly six to eight years in the army, which is a skill that not many of our applicants have on their resume. It is quite impressive."

"Sorry, resume? I never signed up for this." Rune expressed irritation on her face.

"The application place in by Augustine was more of a person of interest application. It is completely up to you on whether or not you take up this deal. If you do, then it is a shortened period of two years of training due to the urgence of your potential arrival on Pandora-."

Rune cut him off, "What are the benefits?"

"Once your five years on Pandora are complete, you get full pay for your time there, which pays quite handsomely, alongside the benefit of being the first person to publish a complete history of the Na'vi and get sixty-forty of the royalties. Fully covered health care. Everything will be provided for you on Pandora including food, lodging, lab access, a workspace if necessary, and other equipment that the base will have. On the occasion that you do die, your pay will be given to a mentioned family member or group of your choice. We do have to legally mention to you that there is a chance that you may not come back from this mission."

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