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* Misstress... get up, you have class! *

Nova hissed and nudged her nose to yours as Hades began nibbling on your fingers again.

"Alright, I'm up! I'm up!"

You got up the bed and went to your dresser to get some clothes for school.

After getting your clothes, you got a towel as well and hopped in the shower to feel fresh.

After you were done taking a shower, you were heading to Nova and Hades food bowls and fed them.

* Thanks..* Hades hissed as Nova was already eating.

Making your way back upstairs to get ready, you decided to wear your hair in half, half up and half down.

Finally putting your clothes on which was a black long sleeve shirt,long black coat,a black skirt and stockings with black heel boots.

Putting a fee jewelry on except for the ring which was already on your finger you put on 2 white rings a white necklace and did your makeup.

Finally finishing getting ready, you grabbed your bag filled with books for class and left your room to go downstairs.

"Nova, Hades, does one of you want to come with me today?"

You asked as Hades slithered into the house and went to bed.

"Alright then... Novayou're coming with me today." You smiled as you let her slither into the coat.

"Are you okay, Nova?"

*Yess,I'm fine, Misstress* Nova hissed as she popped her head out from under your black hair.

"Alright... let's get going then,"

You walked towards the door and exited, making sure to lock the door on your way out.

Heading towards the inner campus, you made sure to give Nova a treat and a coffee for yourself before going to your first class.

'Great....First class of the day Charms.'

As you reached the classroom, it was different.

Seats that go downwards with stairs in the middle as there was a desk at the bottom with a big board beside it.

Looking for a seat, you saw a people in Almost like groups. A group of girls on one side and boys on the other.

Not wanting to be in either, you sat on one of the upper levels, Obsering others who came in.

After setting your bag down, you pulled out your school books for this class.

A couple minutes passed as students came in and slowly filled the room, but on the other hand, they didn't pay attention to them because you were busy reading the class book.

Sensing an off feeling, you looked over your book and spotted a certain black haired man in the group of boys.

Davian Zalard.

'I thought this class was for first years? Did he fail two years?'

You thought as observed him and the group he was with.

As all the students were up and chatting, one student came to you.

"Miss me?"


Davian smiled a bit as he sat down next to you and pulled his stuff out.

" Did you fail two years here?" You asked, causing him to focus on you.


"One year....if I fail this year, then it'll be two," Davian said as he flipped his book open to page 15.

"...Mmm..."  You hummed as you too followed him as you flipped to page 15.

After waiting a bit, the professor came in and introduced herself as Professor Sally.

She was a short yet old woman who spoke softly yet strictly.

'Great....Another old hag'

You thought as she started her class, having all the students try to create a shield for warding.

~ two hours later~

After the lesson, she gave you an essay to do for homework on how to defend against unknown magic that was placed on you, but you being finished it before class had ended.

"Come, let's go find something to eat,"

Davian said as he got up and collected his stuff from class.

You got up as well and followed him after collecting your books, too.


"Nothing is better than cinnamon buns,"

Davian said as he took a bite out of the bun and smiled.

"It is good, but I like things more sweet and sticky. I need some butterbeer. Where can we get it?"

You asked as you looked around, trying to find someplace that sells it.

"Come, I'll take you to it." Davian spoke as he finished chewing the food in his mouth.

Both you and Davian walked for a couple of minutes before finding a place that sells it.

"Two butterbeer's, please." Davian said as you were about to order.

"Wait, let me -" you stopped talking and watching as Davian smiled as he paid for them.

"Too slow....come we gotta head back we have more classes to attend."

You grabbed your butterbeer as Davian already had his and waited for you so both of you could walk together.

"..Thank you.." you whispered softly as Davian smiled

"You're welcome,"

'I thought he didn't hear me'

You thought as he continued walking away with you following behind.

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