10/10 Would Smash

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"We can only hope."

"You're telling me."

"Have a seat, Lani." She said. "I'm just finishing up reading your progress report from Shouto's date last night. It seems things went better than expected?"

And there it is.

Still having no idea how I was going to get myself out of this one, I slid into the seat, forming a small, silent 'oh' from my lips and immediately ceasing it when I remembered that's Shouto's signature trade.

"Ah. Right, the progress report. That ol' thing." I chuckled, subtly grinding my teeth together stressfully. "About that, there's actually something I wanted to-"

Yuna's laptop closed abruptly enough for me to cease talking, watching her turn her attention towards me. A stiff smile was etched on her face, but it didn't go unnoticed by me that it was more stiff than usual—and that's saying something.

"I'm going first." She chimed in snobbishly, causing me to scoff and huff under my breath.

"'Course you are..."

Yuna pressed her lips together and folded her hands. There was a small glint in her eyes, and it's a glint she always has when she's up to something. I couldn't help but get a bit nervous.

"I think it's adorable that the date went well and all, but I'm scrapping the entire idea." She smiled a bit deviously.

And if she was expecting me to be gutted about that, mannn, was she sorely mistaken. Hooohhh, I was relieved, actually I was so relieved, I made the mistake of instinctively showing it.

"Phew. That is so great to hear." I blurted out, exhaling a heavy breath and melting into my seat.

Yuna's eyes narrowed immediately, displeased with the way I reacted. "Is it?" She threatened me back into reality.

Immediately, I sat straight up once more and cleared my throat, grasping for straws. "Well—I mean don't get me wrong. Ella is certainly...something. But, after talking with Shouto about it, he just wasn't really feeling it with her, you know. No spark—his words, not mine."

I mean, it's not a lie. It's just not the whole truth—but, who really uses that nowadays, you know?

Yuna nodded slowly, and I couldn't tell if she was actually pondering something, or if she was just being a predator playing with its food. "I see. So, you're saying he wants something genuine. Something real. Something passionate." She exaggerated.

I felt a little unnerved, not knowing where this conversation was heading, having too little context to try and manipulate it in my favor. "Uhhh, yeah, sure. Something like that. All that stuff you just said right there. Fireworks." I smiled lazily, making a fake explosion with my hand.

Yuna seemed more focused than usual today as she looked at me with a neutral expression. There was no workout class playing on her projector, and she wasn't eating any of her snacks. Having all of her attention was rare, and seemingly, not my favorite.

"Is that right?" I could tell her tone was mocking that time, and I tried to match whatever game she was playing.

Even if my hands began to sweat, I held her eye contact, giving a little shrug of my shoulders. "Totally. Would I lie to you?"

"You absolutely would." She said pointedly, causing me to click my tongue.

"Ouch, boss. You know, if I had a heart, that one would've hurt."

Bad Habits - (Shouto x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora