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My name is Kira, and I am a vampire. I have been living in Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands, for the past decade. I like this city, with its busy streets, colorful markets and friendly people. I have a small apartment near the sea port, where I work as a translator for a shipping company. I speak several languages, including English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu and some of the local dialects. I also speak a language that no one else knows, a language that belongs to my ancestors, the first people who settled on this island thousands of years ago.

I was born in a village in the highlands of New Guinea, where my people lived in harmony with nature. We cultivated sweet potatoes and taro, hunted wild pigs and birds, and gathered fruits and nuts from the forest. We had a rich culture, with stories, songs, dances and rituals that celebrated our connection to the land and the spirits. We had no contact with the outside world, until one day, a group of strangers came to our village.

They were pale-skinned men, dressed in strange clothes and carrying metal weapons. They said they were explorers, looking for new lands and resources. They said they came in peace, and wanted to trade with us. They offered us beads, mirrors, knives and other shiny things, in exchange for food, water and guides. They seemed friendly, but we were wary of them. We had heard stories of other tribes who had been attacked, enslaved or killed by these foreigners. We decided to be cautious, and agreed to trade with them, but only on our terms.

One of these men caught my eye. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and blue eyes. He smiled at me, and tried to talk to me. He said his name was Robert, and he was from a place called England. He said he was fascinated by me, by my beauty, my language, my culture. He said he wanted to learn more about me, and teach me about his world. He said he wanted to be my friend, and maybe more. I was curious about him, too. He was different from anyone I had ever met. He was charming, intelligent, and generous. He gave me gifts, and taught me words in his language. He showed me pictures of his country, and told me stories of his travels. He made me laugh, and feel things I had never felt before. I liked him, and I trusted him.

That was my mistake.

One night, he asked me to go with him to a secluded spot, where we could be alone. He said he had something important to tell me, something that would change our lives. I agreed, and followed him to a clearing in the woods. There, he kissed me, and held me in his arms. He whispered in my ear, that he loved me, and wanted me to be his forever. He said he had a secret, that he was not a normal human, but a creature of the night. He said he was a vampire, a being who fed on blood, and lived for centuries. He said he wanted to make me a vampire, too, so we could be together, always. He said it was a gift, a blessing, that would free us from the troubles of the world. He said it would not hurt, that it would only feel like a bite, and then a rush of pleasure. He said he would be gentle, and careful, and that he would never harm me. He said he needed my consent, that he would not force me, that it was my choice. He said he hoped I would say yes, that he would be heartbroken if I said no. He looked into my eyes, with a gaze that was both tender and hypnotic. He asked me, if I wanted to be his.

I was scared, and confused. I did not understand what he was saying, what he was asking. I did not know what a vampire was, what it meant to be one. I did not know what would happen to me, to my body, to my soul, if I agreed. I did not know what would happen to him, to us, to our relationship, if I refused. I did not know what to do, what to say. I hesitated, and that was enough.

He took my silence as a yes, and bit me.

It hurt, more than anything I had ever felt. It felt like fire, like poison, like death. I screamed, and tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He held me down, and drank my blood, until I was weak and dizzy. He stopped, and smiled, and said it was done. He said I was now a vampire, like him. He said I would soon feel the change, the power, the joy. He said we would leave this place, and travel the world, and have adventures. He said we would be happy, and in love, and immortal. He said we would never grow old, or sick, or die. He said we would be together, forever.

He lied.

I did not feel any change, any power, any joy. I only felt pain, and fear, and anger. I felt betrayed, and violated, and alone. I realized he had tricked me, and used me, and taken away my life. I realized he did not love me, or care about me, or respect me. I realized he was a monster, and so was I. I hated him, and I hated myself.

I ran away from him, and from the village. I ran into the forest, and hid. I waited for the sun to rise, and end my misery. But it did not. I did not die, or burn, or sparkle. I only felt a slight discomfort, a mild irritation, a faint weakness. I realized he had lied about that, too. I realized I was not a normal vampire, but something else. Something rare, something special, something ancient. I realized I had inherited the blood of my ancestors, the first people of this island, the people who had a connection to the land and the spirits. I realized I had a power, a gift, a blessing. I realized I could walk in the daylight, and blend in with the living. I realized I had a chance, a hope, a choice. I realized I could survive, and adapt, and thrive. I realized I could live, and learn, and grow. I realized I could be free, and independent, and strong. I realized I could be myself, and more.

That was my salvation.

I left New Guinea, and traveled the world. I learned about history, culture, science, and art. I met many people, and made some friends, and some enemies. I had many experiences, and some adventures, and some troubles. I saw many things, and some wonders, and some horrors. I lived many lives, and some were good, and some were bad. I changed many times, and some were easy, and some were hard. But I always stayed true to myself, and to my roots. I always remembered who I was, and where I came from. I always honored my ancestors, and their legacy. I always respected the land, and the spirits. I always valued my freedom, and my choice.

I am Kira, and I am a vampire. This is my story, and this is my life.

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