011- Telling People?

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Grace knew how things were heating up with Sirius. She knew there was a deep connection there with them both and she couldn't help but crave his touch.

Grace had been thinking about telling Isabella who she was seeing. She knew Isabella was Sirius' cousin. And she didn't want her to be mad.

She had been thinking about making the relationship with him official. But she knew if her dad found out, then it would cause so much tension with them.

She didn't want to be the one who ruined the friendship Sirius and her dad had. They had been through so much together. And she didn't want to be the reason that they no longer spoke.

It was hard for her as she wanted nothing more than to make everyone know she was in a relationship with someone she had fallen hard for.

All she knew was that things were heating up. And she didn't know how much longer she could keep it on the down low.

Morning came and Grace was sitting in bed. She looked up as Isabella came out the bathroom. "You realise if Snape sees you wearing that, he will kill you."

Isabella turned to her. "Oh like he would. I'm doing this to get to him. He thinks he can speak to me how he does, wrong. No one speaks to me like I'm
nothing. I have plenty of crap on him to fuck him over," she told her.

Grace knew how she was friends with Isabella. But she was slightly worried that if she crossed her, she would turn on her.

"Why do you think he treats you like that?" Grace asked.

"No idea. The slime ball will soon regret it. Especially when I get him to where I want. Wind them up and then let them go," Isabella said.

Grace grinned. "You're evil. I like it."

"Oh me too. No one will cross me again. Do you plan on telling who your secret lover is? Cause at this point, I may as well give up. I need gossip."

Grace raised her eyebrows. She grinned. "Now is this gossip? Or is this your way of wanting to hold something over my head? Like you're doing with Snape?" She asked.

Isabella pouted. "I'd never do that to you. Why would you think I'd do that to you?" She asked.

"I don't. I'm winding you up."

"Good. I'd never do that to you. Severus Snape has crossed me. And I'm not down for that," Isabella told her.

Grace walked along the corridor. She saw her dad and smiled. "Hey dad. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Remus nodded. "Sirius is seeing someone. And I'm trying to get it out of him. He won't tell me though. Says it's early days."

"Oh wow. Didn't think he would find someone. I'm impressed," Grace said. Deep down she was worried that he had said something.

Remus smiled. "Are you okay? You don't seem yourself."

"Huh? No I'm good. Don't worry."

Remus wasn't convinced. He knew his daughter. And he knew when she was keeping something from him.

Grace met with Sirius. He looked to her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he kissed her lips.

Grace nodded. "Yeah. Listen, do you think we should tell people about us? I love the secrecy. Don't get me wrong. But I think if people know, we can't sneak around," she told him.

Sirius looked to her. He knew he wanted to make it work. But was he ready for his best friend to know how he had been sleeping with his daughter?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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