07-Sneaky about

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Grace stood in the kitchen. She knew how she had to head back to school. She knew how people would of realised that she was gone by now

Grace looked as Sirius walked into the rink. He was topless. He looked to her "when am I going to see you again" he asked as she sighed

"I don't know"

"So what you fuck me and do a runner" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"It's not like that. I have been awake from the school and people will be looking for me. Look I came here to clear the air only to end up sleeping with you" she said as looked to her and smirked

"I never heard you complain" he said as she smirked

"I never said I was complaining I came here to end it and I ended up having sex with you for a day but I have to head back I don't know when I will see you and I don't know what this even is" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"I think it's the start of something great" he said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. He leant in and kissed her and smirked as she wrapped her arms around her neck

She knew that this was far from her plan but what had happened had happened and she knew that this was the start of it but she knew how messy it was

He was her fathers best friend and she knew Remus and his temper and while she got her head over what was going on. She knew that he couldn't find out over this

She knew what this was and she knew that right now no one could find out over it

Grace got back to school. She walked into the great hall as she saw Isabella and sat down with her and smiled

"You realise how hard it is to cover for someone for over a day I'm pretty sure snape is suspicious" she said as grace sighed

"He's not my head off house besides I'm sure that you can use your ways to distract him" Grace said as Isabella looked to her and smirked

"I have no idea what you mean" Isabella said as grace looked to her and raised an eyebrow at her

"Yeah you tell yourself that" grace said. Grace wasn't stupid. She knew the risk that she had took by going off and seeing Sirius and she knew that she had to keep her head down for the next few weeks and it wasn't easy at all

Grace knew that she knew that the last thing she needed was for her dad to come here and start to ask questions

Grace sat in the common room and looked to see the Weasley twins as they walked in "and where have you been" they asked

"I've been here I don't know what you mean"

"Hmm sure. You want to hope your dad doesn't find out you've been sneaking out of the castle he won't be happy our mother would kill us. Don't worry we won't tell" they said as she looked to them and smiled

She knew how things were changing and it was far from easy but little did she knew how much her life was actually going to change

Daddy's best friend {S.Black}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora