parental instinct

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( first of the instinct trilogy , motherly instinct, parental instinct and fatherly instinct) night had risen in mouseton with in the house where the mouse family sound asleep the peaceful night soon awake when four mice children began crying waking their parents Mickey jolted up upon hearing them cry Minnie joined him also heared the cry knowing one thing the kids are getting hungry the husband and wife duo thought for a bit " the kids are getting hungry" " hmm" the female mouse had an idea " I know let's switch you take care of Michel and Mina and I take care of Micheal and Mike" her husband agreed " oh ok" the parents went to their children's rooms

Mickey went to his little girls bedroom calling out to them " Mina, Michel" the doe twins looked at their father begging for food
the father mouse held both of his girls as he looked at them " aw are you girls hungry" the twins nodded their heads he gave them a smile " don't worry girls Daddy will feed you two" the male mouse went downstairs while holding his twin daughters as they clung on to his fur the three made it to the kitchen spotted two baby bottles before he could reach them he accidentally bumped his penis on the countertop the marble felt cold against his bare member since the air vent he shiver the twins looked up at their father if they were asking is he ok he placed both bottles in the microwave to the right temperature the twin mouse does began crying Mickey soon started to calm his daughters down before wondering how his wife was doing with their sons while things going smoothly in the kitchen Minnie checked on her twin sons Michael and Mike she held them in her arms knowing that they're hungry begin to ponder " oh you two are hungry gosh I don't see any bottles here and the other two are in the kitchen" before she could think her sons latch on to her cleavage and started to suckling on their mother's milk that surprised the mother mouse as that happened before when she chest fed her daughters and now she's feeding her sons she then wondering how her husband's doing

Back in the kitchen after calming down the girls Mickey would finally bottle fed them he got his hands full watched his daughters drink peacefully making him smile he heard his wife coming down stairs calling as she entered the kitchen " Mickey are you ok in here" "Yeah" as he turned he blushed as he saw his wife chest feeding their sons the male mouse started to shake as he blushed Minnie notice her husband is blushing apologised" I'm sorry that I was feeding them" he accepted her apology " it's alright" she asked " are the girls fed" he answers as sweat ran down his face " yep they cried at first but I calmed them down how are the boys" she answered " they were fine but Mike was crying " she even felt Michael nursing on her " and get this Michael had quickly drink from my chest" as Mickey watched he noticed Minnie kissed him in the cheek the only problem is the kids were present he tried to tell her " wha Minnie not in front of the kids" she calmed him down " oh let them watch" she kissed him again sending warm through him the children had confused faces as curiously got up to them as they watched their parents going frisky the male mouse feels his penis gotten longer and harder caused by his wife's doing Minnie saw a look at her husband's face she smiled " you're adorable when you're blushing" she gave her husband a squzze making him moody he in turn squzze her cleavage making her moody too they passionate kissed each they noticed their kids feel asleep they placed their sons and daughters to their respective rooms as the children sound asleep Mickey began to ponder not knowing that Minnie stared at his member she started to giggle he heard her giggled asked what's so funny she answered his facial expressions " I had been starring at your wiener I want to suck it" Mickey began blushing as his member twitches she then kneels down sticking out her tounge licking his penis from the base to the tip before sucking it the male mouse felt relaxed as he feels his wife sucking on his strong hard wiener before ejaculated in his wife's mouth he pulled out of her they relaxed a bit
Mickey then held up a protection which Minnie puts it on his member they went to their bed he thrust into her as they're in a lap position making it easier for them the female mouse then squzze his nuts making him moody the thrusting becomes more pleasure for the mouse couple Mickey felt his penis twitching knowing that he's about to blow spraying his sperm in the protection before he gave his wife a massage tried from mating and caring for their children Mickey asked his wife " how about we turn in " she accepted " oh yes" he pulled out of her pulled out  the protection off his member before sleeping as they sleep there being watched by Magica de spell through her magic staff hatched a plan announced " yes rest you love birds you will seen soon enough to see how I will take control of you once I kidnap your children mouse" as a pair of yellow eyes looked at the readers

( I wrote and finish this just in time for Mickey and Minnie's 95th birthday
And also I don't do cp so any ways happy birthday Mickey and Minnie)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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