one | assassin therapy

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The brisk cool air nipped at Kate Bishop as she strolled through the busy streets of New York. Her white button-up shirt was crisply tucked into sleek black dress pants. She was not used to wearing such formal wear, well at least during the blip. But she didn't mind because she knew she was making people turn their heads.

As her phone buzzed in her pocket, she pulled it out, noticing the caller ID read "Clint Barton." She answered with a playful smirk playing on her lips, "Hey, Hawkeye. You really think I'm going to voluntarily spend my evening babysitting a bunch of kids?"

Clint's gravelly voice crackled through the phone, "Come on, Kate. They're not kids, they're the next generation of heroes. And they need someone like you to guide them."

Kate rolled her eyes, her sarcasm cutting through the line, "Oh, great. I can't wait to lead a team of angsty teens with saving the world aspirations. It's not like I have better things to do."

Clint's voice came in steady, "I get it, Kate. You've been through a lot. We both have. But trust me, leading these young heroes, it's not just about guiding them. It's about finding something for yourself in the process."

Kate scoffed lightly, "And what's that supposed to be, Clint? Therapy for former assassins?"

He chuckled, "Maybe. But seriously, it's about redemption, after the darkest times, there's always a chance for something better. I know you've got a darker edge now, and you've seen things most people can't even imagine. But that's what makes you the perfect person to lead them."

Kate sighed, her steps slowing as she took in Clint's words. There was a pause before she responded, "Fine, Clint. I'll be there. But if this turns into some therapy session, I'm out."

Clint's laughter echoed through the phone, "Deal. Just remember, sometimes helping others is the best way to help yourself."

With a long sigh, Kate put her phone back in her pocket and continued her journey through the concrete jungle. Now the weight of responsibility is settling on her shoulders.

Kate maneuvered through the streets in her sleek black car, heading towards the partially rebuilt Avengers compound. The car's tires crunched on the gravel road leading up to it. Lost in thought, Kate couldn't help but think about what happened with the Avengers. The time traveling and fighting aliens on Vormir, the clash with Thanos in a battlefield. It all felt like a dream.

Kate parked her car and headed towards the building. Her boots clicked against the overgrown path as she approached the entrance of the Avengers compound. As she entered the compound, she noticed some of it was already rebuilt. But most of it was still torn apart from Thanos' army.

As Kate rounded the corner, she found Clint Barton standing there, leaning against the wall near the living room. He still looked the same, only now his features were softened. Clint turned to face her, a small smile on his face.

Clint's arms opened, it was a rare gesture but without a word, Kate stepped into the embrace. The room seemed to hold its breath as mentor and protege clung to each other, a silent exchange of understanding and unspoken support.

"How are you holding up, Katie?" Clint's voice was low, filled with genuine concern. The question hung in the air, acknowledging the personal burdens they both carried.

"I'm alright. How's the family?" She asked.

Clint softly smiled, "They're all good. How's everything with you?"

Kate sighed and turned bitter, "I hate working at Bishop Security, but it's probably the best paying job I'll ever be able to get. Oh, and to add to the fun, my mother is trying to steal Susan's spot as CEO."

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