Within the Mirror

18 4 19

Story by EvilMaybeWriter

A/N: Warning Contains: Cyberbullying, Blood, Death!


"Hey everyone, it's Silver-Eyed-Sike-OH! Like the title says we're doing the Bloody Mae Ritual Challenge" The young man with brown hair and eyes an unnatural silver from colored contacts, despite the comments popping up on the stream chat he maintained his smile.

SilverEyedSimp: Copycat

@11Th@t@$$: You live in the real one's shadow.

Yu-Lu_is_best_gurlll: Stop copying the games he's playing with Yu-Lu!

These comments had been the first to pop up in his stream. Despite the rage that boiled within him, impersonating someone with a following got him more attention than being original ever did.

"I'm sure some of you are having fun calling me fake, saying I'm a cheap knock off to a fucking 3D model that's controlled by some probably ugly guy IRL guy but you know what that little bitch would never even think about going face to face with a real monster." He smirked at his phone as it recorded his every move.

Just_Dannniel: We've seen the IRL pics of Seppy and Yu-Lu on their TikToks. They're both pretty!

SilverEyedSimp: Your desperate ass has commented on those pictures!!! I stalk the comments on them all and got screenshots to prove it, you sad bastard!

"Alright, hate-watch me all you want. Let's get this shit started!" He then went to a tab on his phone. "So this ritual is supposed to summon a knock off of Bloody Mary. According to the page, her name is Bloody Mae?" He then looked over the page on the creature that he found from some google searches. As he looked over the writing, he saw they styled it like two teenagers gossiping about a rumor.

Bloody Mae

Amy: Have you heard of Bloody Mae?

Debbie: Bloody Mae? No, who is she? Some kind of horror makeup artist?

Amy: No! Bloody Mae! They say she's the spirit of a woman who got murdered when she went face first into a mirror before they stabbed her to death with the fragments that fell from it.

Debbie: Shit, she got wrecked.

Amy: Definitely, but have you heard how to summon her? They say she'll try to kill, you if you do!

Debbie: Girl, why the hell would you summon that? You got a death wish?

Amy: No! But that's the thing. If you survive the encounter, you get a wish granted! Whatever you want!

Debbie: Naur, It ain't worth it.

Amy: Don't be so boring! You must have a wish or something. It's easy to do! You just have to wait till 3AM, then say, "Bloody Mae, break through the glass and set my wish free!" The best part is you only have to say it in a mirror once and she visits you.

Debbie: Please don't do this. It's a bad idea!

Amy: It's easy, relax. You just say the words and once the mirror breaks, you just avoid falling for her illusions till sunrise, then you get your wish! It's easy!

Debbie: I'm gonna find you dead, aren't I?

Amy: Have some faith in me!

"Ok, you guys let me find a mirror." He paused to think, "We can use my travel mirror!" He said as the stream had a few new comments appeared.

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