john lgbtq+

7 0 3

leonardo woke up with his alarm blaring in his ears. he groaned.

"what time is it?" he muttered under his breath. squinting his blue orbs, he saw the time. "shit - i'm gonna be late for work!!!!!"

hurrying to get up, leonardo rushed into his uniform. he debated taking a shower, as he hadn't taken one for about 4 days, but he put it off to do later. It wasn't like anyone was going to notice anyway. he put on his fanciest suit and walked out, on his way to the bus stop.


once leonardo was in the bus, he took a short glance around. in front of him, near the other side of the vehicle, a man with long, curly black hair and blank yellow eyes stared directly at him. he appeared to have been looking at him for the entire time he'd been in there. the blond took a solid look at him; he thought the man was quite cute.

"but in a weird creepy stalker way, though," he thought.

the weird, creepy, cute man continued to bore his yellow eyes into leonardo's figure, his eyes glancing around the suit he wore and his nicely done, although greasy and musty as fuck, hair. It was almost as if it was everything the man wanted and more.


leonardo sighed. it was a slow day at the gas station. he fiddled with his tie as he awaited the next customer's arrival. he'd been munching on a few different snacks throughout the day, without paying, of course. he'd been there all day, as their workplace was severely understaffed and he had to work the full round of shifts.

groaning, he tossed the end of his black tie to lay on the table. he jumped as he heard the door's bell chime, welcoming a new customer in. he glanced towards the door and next thing he knew, it was:

"hi!" it was the creepy-cute man from the bus! leonardo blushed.

"uhm. h--h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi," he stuttered out, getting more nervous by the second. "how c-c-c-c-c-c--cc-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-can I help you?"

completely out of nowhere, the man took a sniff. "you smell good."

leonardo was completely sweaty, it was a hot summer day, the a/c within the store was broken, and he was wearing at least 3 layers. adding that with the lack of showers, he smelled completely awful. "uhh... thank you." he was caught a little off guard.

"what's your name?"

"leonardo.... leonardo dicaprio. aka jay gatsby??????"

the man seemed to think for a moment. "ah, well, my name is..." leonardo's mind seemed to completely blur out his next words, his mind flashing gruesome images within his eyes. "but you can just call me john doe, yeah?"

"uh, yeah, sure." he was confused.

"are you busy after work?" the question was a little random, but leonardo still decided to respond.

"no, why do you ask?"

without another word, the strange man, john, turned around and left the store, leaving leonardo completely dumbfounded. here goes another boring few hours left of his work day!


leonardo walked out of the door of the gas station, not even caring that the next person to take the night shift was running late and he was sort of supposed to wait until they arrived. if something got stolen it wasn't really his fault, his shift was over! beginning his short walk to the bus stop, he was suddenly stopped by a figure in front of him.

john lgbtq+Where stories live. Discover now