li. framed photos

Start from the beginning

it was too soon for that.

luciana was pulled out of her thoughts a few minutes later when she heard the front door open. the girl froze, going completely pale as the door closed again.


she flinched as the door was slammed shut before she regained her composure.

carefully and quietly, she walked back over to the spot where she'd dropped her backpack and knelt down to grab the semi automatic pistol she had with her. she took a deep breath before slowly making her way out of the bedroom. she quietly crept down the hall but stopped at the end. 

she hadn't heard any sign of forced entry. just a door opening and slamming shut which meant whoever it was had to have a key-

luciana was pulled out of her thoughts when the gun she gripped was knocked out of her hand. lacking the time to curse at herself for her lack of focus, luce moved quickly, kneeing her assailant between the legs. he doubled over in pain and she used that as her opportunity to push him down. unfortunately, he managed to grab her arm just in time and pull her down with him.

when they both landed, she positioned her knees on either side of his body, pinning him down. she raised her fist above his face, ready to strike, when she finally got a good look at his face.

"it's me! jesus, ward!" will shouted, shielding his face with his arms. "what the hell is wrong with you?"

"what the hell is wrong with me?" luce snapped, shifting so she wasn't sitting directly on top of his crotch. "what the hell is wrong with you? you attacked me!"

"i thought you were an intruder! you're not even supposed to be here! you're supposed to be fucking resting, ward!" he retorted. she rolled her eyes before grabbing his jaw and jerking his head to the side.

"if anything you're the fucking intruder? since fucking when did you have a key?" she yelled back.

"since two years ago when my apartment flooded and jemma let me stay for three weeks!" he replied, nostrils flaring. luce just glared down at him, her chest rising and falling in heavy breaths before she finally got off of him.

"get up," she mumbled, clutching the side of her stomach still wrapped in bandages as she kneeled down to grab the gun that had been forced out of her hands.

will let his head fall back as he panted heavily, still slightly shaken from his 'near death' experience that had occurred only moments ago. 

"oh my god," he breathed out, one hand going to his rapidly beating heart while the other began to push him up off the floor and into a sitting position. "jeez." he gave himself another few minutes on the floor to catch his breath before he got up and followed her into the kitchen.

"everybody's been looking for you. you weren't home for a while," he said, walking up behind her. "where were you?"

"i'm a spy, will, just like you," she said shortly, turning around to lean on the counter. "if i don't want you to find me, you won't."

"i just did," he replied, crossing his arms. 

"fuck off." 

"don't start," he retorted as she pushed him out of her way. "nobody knew where you were, ward! we were fucking worried about!"

it was true. after a day at home, will and elena had gone to her house to check on her, but she wasn't there. the group had done everything they could think of to find her. maybe it was because they were all grieving or maybe it was because she knew all of their tricks but they knew very few of hers, but they hadn't found her.

"that's kinda the whole point, dingus," she muttered under her breath, walking back to the bedroom. "i don't need you and eli and the old lady and elena and barbra on my back about this every second!"

will just rolled her eyes, continuing to trail behind her until they reached jemma's room. she began gathering her things, deciding it was better to come back when he was gone, while will walked over to the dresser and picked up the framed photo of himself, luce, jemma, and davis that she had been looking at earlier.

"god, we must've been 24 in this," he said, showing the girl the framed photo.

"you were, i was 21. you're 3 years older than me," she reminded him, glancing up from the photo. 

"2," will corrected and she raised an eyebrow at him. 





"whatever." she finished packing her things and stood up again, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"now where are you going?" will asked, putting the photo down and going to block the door.

"away from you." she tried to push past him again but this time he didn't let her. he grabbed both of her arms and pushed her away from the door.

"i just kicked your ass with fresh gunshot wounds, don't make me do it again."

"don't do this," he said, leaning down to look her straight in the face.

"do what?" luce asked, attempting to play dumb.


she just stared up at him before pulling her arms free. 

"i'll call you," she said, not really meaning it but also knowing he wouldn't let her leave it she didn't say it. he nodded.

"i won't tell them i saw you," he promised. she raised an eyebrow but nodded. she didn't believe him, and he knew it.

"ok." she began to walk forward but he stopped her again. he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

"be careful," he said, pointing a finger at her.

"take your own advice."



i was gonna take the day off from writing but i didn't.

also it's my birthday so happy birthday to me!!!!

idk what this is anymore but idk what the last chapter was either so it's ok and i'm done w this shit soon i promise.

anywaysss, hope you enjoyed!

comment and vote!

love ya,

- lottie.

published: 11/20/23

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