"Yes I'm alright, my bullet wound from that one night opened on the fly here, that is all. Why don't you join me when I inform mama and father about the situations in the forest?"

Ney'lana knew her brother would want to hear about it. She watched as he shook his head up and down frantically. Then being shoved to the side by Loak. He wrapped his arms around her lean waist and squeezed lifted her into the air.


"You were gone for sooooo long! I wasn't going to survive without you sister!"

Ney'lana giggled again at the boys words. When he finally set her back down she peeked behind him, looking at the kids who she knew where Tonowari's children. She kissed Loaks head and walked over, putting her hand to her head and bringing it back down. It took a second for the three to get out of their shock until they finally did the sign of respect back. They were utterly frozen when she moved her attention onto them, her eyes were like a trance that you never wanted to swim out of.

"Holy Eywa you're hot."

Rotox elbowed Aonung in his stomach at his words. They both still couldn't take their eyes of of her. Tsireya moved to introduce themselves, never looking away from the beauty. Loak had told her a lot about Ney'lana. She found her admiring her and looking up to her before even getting to meet her herself.

Tonowari and Ronal made their way over to the group, glancing over to the large Ikran that watched his rider very carefully. Ney'lana moved her hand to her forehead once again to the leaders, receiving the same sign back.

"Ma Lana!"

Ney'lana shot her head over to the familiar shout, seeing her dearest mother and father run over to her. She could have sworn she seen a large smile form on Jake's face. Neytiri crashed her eldest daughter into a hug praising her for her being so strong and asking if she was alright,much like Neteyam had done. And also like Neteyam, she raked her eyes over her body looking for any wounds that may have found their way onto her pride and joy's body.

Jake finally made his way to the duo, throwing his arms around Ney'lana and hugging her tight. Ney'lana froze not expecting the affection, especially in public, but she moved her arms around his waist and hugged him back just as tight. She may never experience this bliss again.

"You're never leaving our sight again little one."

Ney'lana had the biggest smile on her face at his words. Eveyone around them could see how different she seemed from when they first arrived. Instead of intimidating everyone, she was whisking them off their feet with her sweet giggles and voice. Quite literally too as one of Aonungs friends had fallen to the ground when he heard her speak.

" Welcome to Awa'atulu. My eldest son, Tey'neir will be teaching you the way of the reef. Tomorrow we will feast in honor of your arrival."

Tonowari patted his son's shoulder as he moved up beside him. Tey'neir couldn't form any words as he stared at the warrior. Ronal could see the hearts in his eyes as he could only nod at the girl.

"For now you may catch up and settle down with your family. Tey'neir will help you with your stuff."

Tonowari thought it was funny to see his son stutter around the girl. He recognized this look as it was the same look he had when he first seen Ronal. He loved her from the first time he seen her.

Tey'neir quickly snapped out of his trance and followed Ney'lana to her Ikran. He was scared to admit the creature was very threatening. Amire could tell, just like everyone else, that the future chief took a big liking to his rider. He didn't like it.

" He won't bite. Unless I say so at least."

Ney'lana tried to ease the boys nerves of walking closer to the beast. She understood it, he was bigger and scarier than all of the other Ikran she has seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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