The Lie

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"I, hate everything about you. Why do I love you?"


Jake has never been more nervous.

He didn't know when or what exactly was going to happen, but when Quaritch told him to settle down things with his family, he decided to stay with them all day every day till something happened.

So, as Jake was wondering through the clan, looking for his wife and  daughters, he made sure to put a little pep in his step.


Ney'lana and Sey'lana were currently chasing one another.

This time, Ney'lana was it, she was trying to run around and find her sister, who she lost when an elder dropped her baskets of fruits and Ney'lana being Ney'lana bent down to help.

As Sey'lana was running through the outskirts of the forest, she turned her head to look back and see if Ney'lana was behind her.

And when she didn't see her, she chose to run even faster to find a place to hide.

But before she could turn her head around fully, she ran into someone's chest.


Omare was a dick.

That's how Ney'lana and Sey'lana always described him.

He and his goons were always the ones to pick on Sey'lana about her hands.

As Sey'lana looked up from the ground, she could see the smirk from Omare and his friends. It wasn't a disturbing sight for Sey'lana.

She actually, maybe, just a little bit found him kinda cute.

For some odd reason, she couldn't figure out.

"Look, guys, it's 4 fingers."

Omare looked down at Sey'lana and chuckled.

He bent down to take her by her arms and pick her back up to her feet.

Still with that stupid smirk on his face.

But as soon as she stood straight and he reached for her hand, Ney'lana came out of nowhere and pushed him back.

Ney'lana was out of breath from running, but she calmed herself so she could speak clearly.

"I suggest you back off before you get a matching set."

Ney'lana used two of her 3 fingers to point at the older boys' eyes.

He still supported a black eye from the last time he tried to pick on Sey'lana.

Omare just scoffed and looked back at his friends, who seemed to have fled the scene as soon as Ney'lana got there, and looked back at Ney'lana's hard glare.

Ney'lana had the most memorizing eyes. Even when she was angry and they turned into pits of purple fire.

They were like a calm sea of light magenta that just sparkled every second of every day.

Anyone, and absolutely anyone, could get lost in her eyes. Whether it's her mother, grandmother or grandfather, or even her current mortal enemy, Omare.

But it was especially easy to get lost in them for Omare.

He was always intrigued by Ney'lana and Sey'lana.

That was actually the whole reason why he started to pick on Sey'lana.

He figured that they wouldn't give him the time of day when he would just try to walk up to them and ask to play. (He was extremely wrong. They would have said yes, of course.)

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