Ch. 5-I Walk Alone

Start from the beginning

The thought made the redheads lips quirk slightly in amusement and Clint catching on shook his head still unsure why she seemed to hate and resent the small black-haired girl they hunted down.

" wasn't too much different when I pulled you out you know. You were in the middle of an op too and none too pleased about being caught but you wanted out more than you wanted to complete the job...maybe she does too?" Clint looked at her hopefully but the feeling was dashed quickly when she shot him a death glare. He sighed heavily and began walking away from the room calling out to Wanda Maximoff .
"Wands, I need you to make sure that girl stays unconscious or calm. Preferably just unconscious if you catch my meaning." He pauses looking back at Natasha and lowers his voice, "Make sure Natasha doesn't do something drastic either please..."

She looks from Clint to Natasha and back confused "Why what's her deal?" gesturing at Nat, "She seems more irritated than usual...and who is that girl anyway? She looks so...young..."

He just sighs and says "Please just keep an eye on the prisoner and don't let Natasha near her okay? I have to go meet with Fury..." and he waits until she nods in acknowledgement before glancing one last time at y/n and Natasha who was still at the console glaring at the small unconscious girl on the bed.

Clint walked away headed upstairs to meet with Fury while Wanda casually stolled over distracting Natasha from continuing to glare murderously.

"Hey Nat, you have plans for the night? Going to celebrate another completed mission?" Wanda smiles discreetly stepping between Natasha and the cell drawing her gaze away.

"Complete maybe but not the right way. What the fuck was he THINKING bringing her here? That girl is a threat, and one we were meant to eliminate." She stops letting out an irritated breath before continuing "I'm not staying here. If we are executing her call me."

Natasha then brushed past a relatively stunned Wanda who watched her friend go unable to believe she had said something quite so cold as that.

"She hasn't acted like that in a really long time..." turns to look at y/n while she slept "and over a girl that...small." Wanda shakes her head and carefully studies y/n wondering what exactly was it about her that pissed Natasha off so badly.

Y/n stirred slightly on the bed earning Wanda's full attention until Wanda noticed a small flash of something glittering by y/n's eyes. A nightmare she realized. Y/n was having a nightmare. Pausing for a moment glancing around nervously Wanda decided to step up to the glass as close as she could to y/n's sleeping form, which was surprisingly still given the dream, and used a little of her magic to ease the dream to something a bit more pleasant. Y/n settled whispering something that was lost against the thick glass as Wanda backed up to the console.

Y/n POV *just giving a little perspective here:

As suddenly as the dream had started the nightmare slipped away leaving a peaceful calming void. No longer dreaming, a soft thank you on my lips to whatever angel made the terror stop even for a moment.


Clint reached Fury's office rapping lightly on the door preparing himself for an earful when he heard the sharp "COME IN" from behind the door. Breathing in deeply he walked in straightening ready to take whatever was coming.

"Agent Barton. I understand you ignored a direct order....AGAIN. Is there a reason why?" Fury looked at him expectantly a small knowing twinkle in his eye.

"Well sir, when we had hunted her down...sir she protected a child." He paused for a moment prompting Fury to say

"So she protected a child....your point?"

Taking a steadying breath Clint pushed on "It wasn't just that sir. In the chase she dodged and avoided the bullets and arrows skillfully while also remaining aware enough of her surroundings to dodge innocents. Sir she intentionally went out of her way to avoid drawing gunfire to civilians. She may not have been aware who we were or our intent but she redirected multiple times to avoid going near any crowds. When she protected the child she did so at the cost of taking a direct bullet from Romanoff...On top of that, that small girl took 3 Veronica rounds before going down!"

Fury waiting until he had finished speaking already nodding "You think she has potential then? And you're willing to risk everything for it?"

Clint nodded silently but with a determined look.

"I see. You know you'll need to interrogate her. If she even speaks to anyone. We need to know everything she knows before we can make that call. I respect your opinion and we will....consider it. Get her talking, got it?" Clint nods sharply almost relieved when Fury cuts in again "And Barton, do not EVER disobey another direct order, this is the last time you get any leniency and it's only because of how well Natasha worked out. Got it?" Clint nods again much more solemnly. "Good. Dismissed Agent Barton. You better hope you're right."


Back in the cells y/n woke up and was sitting up slowly testing her body feeling eyes on her. Wanda who had been watching was staring at y/n's bright almost glowing silver eyes when they met Wanda's soft forest green ones and she turned away from the glass. Wanda realized a little too late she was supposed to keep y/n asleep but couldn't bring herself to knock the girl out again. She stood deliberating before opting to step out of the room to call Clint and ask what they should do.

Y/n's pressed hard into the wall behind her realizing she was not only caged but had no hope of getting out. As her stress levels rose the cells defense systems activated aiming high caliber plasma rifles her direction making her freeze forcing her breathing back to a calm even pace until the rifles went away. She was screwed and she knew it. If she got out Hydra would get her back and they would definitely make her pay the price for fucking up and getting captured, if she stayed she was caged like an animal with no hope of getting out.

Clint came back in 15 minutes later with Wanda hanging back watching the interaction not even trying to mask her curiosity as she listened in.

"I think it's time you and I talked y/n Aliatova...."

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