2. Couple Rings p2

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Hyunjin POV

  I don't know how it happened. We walked out of the cafe and next thing I know his lips are on mine. I'm immediately addicted. But I pulled away. We're in public, we can't do this.
"Let's go home?" I say while looking into his eyes. We're they always this beautiful? He looks out of breath. "Yeah let's go."

----time skip----

"We're home!!" No answer. Apparently no one is here. We stand in the door way not looking at each other. Then we just silently head over to the couch. We're still a bit awkward and are sitting a bit apart unlike normal. For a few minutes there's silence.
"So..." Felix starts. "I guess we should probably talk?" "Y-yeah.." ugh why am I stuttering.
"Well I think we should just get straight to the point." He turned to look into my eyes as I get lost in his. "I.. I like you Hwang Hyunjin."

Felix POV

  My heart stops beating as I wait for a reply. Just as my eyes start to tear up and I go to leave, he grabs my arm and whispers something but I can't hear it.
  "What was that?" I say now teasingly.
"Ugh I said I lo-like you!!" He managed to say. I sit right on his lap and smile. There's no holding back now so I kiss him. It was soft And sweet and I never wanted it to end.

Hyunjin POV

  I would never have imagined that his lips would be so soft. They taste like strawberry cream. I can't get enough. I gently lower him down on the couch and we stay like that - me on lop laying down as we gently make out.
Suddenly the door to the dorms burst open. "Guys we're -" it's chaos now.
  "WHAT THE HECK YOU'RE GAY?!" screams Jisung. "Ah not on my couch!!! If you did anything else on there I'd kill both of you!!" Says Minoh. "ARE YOU DECENT?!" Says seungmin with his hands covering his eyes.
  "Ok calm down." Chan finally decides to speak up. "So I think we now need to all talk about this. Everyone sit down."
  After everyone is seated he continues. "So, we would like to let you both know that we fully encourage and support you no matter what." He smiles at us and we quietly thank him. "Now this might be a bit of a change for us but we'll all adapt. I'm just glad y'all finally got together!!" Everyone else laughs at that as we look at each other confused.
  "Haha what did you think we didn't notice? You guys have liked each other for years now!!" Says changbin.

Thank y'all so much for reading!! I'm trying to update every day but I am a little busy.. sorry fir less words it was about 450. Love y'all!! 💜💜

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