2 | in the middle of balancing

Start from the beginning

''No, Jean's right,'' Connie agreed. ''I mean, he was the only one who didn't manage to do it. It's not even that hard. He'll get send to the fields at this rate.''

Y/n shrugged. ''He still has until tomorrow. I think he'll get it.''

Jean quirked an eyebrow. ''Why're you defending him? Some people just suck and that's okay.''

Y/n shrugged. ''I admire his determination. Maybe a miracle would happen and he'll manage tomorrow.''

''Or maybe he's gonna get kicked out because he just sucks,'' Jean pressed.

Y/n raised her brows. ''I don't think so. Wanna bet, Jean-Bo?'' Having stopped paying attention, Y/n's grip on Sasha slackened and the girl managed to get to the bread stash, earning a groan from Connie.

''What do you wanna bet?'' Jean asked. ''What's there to bet?''

Y/n shrugged. ''I don't know. The winner gets the other's bread for a week?''

''You guys shouldn't bet food, you should—''

''Fine. Deal.'' Jean smirked, ignoring Marco. ''My stomach is gonna be pretty full for the next week.''

Connie scoffed. ''Yeah, if Sasha doesn't eat it first.'' He was glaring at the girl, who was happily eating everyone's bread, no remorse seen on her face.

''We'll see about that, Jean-Bo.'' Y/n looked up. She noticed Eren and Armin getting up from their table and leaving. ''Hey, Jean, can you return my bowl?''

''Huh? Why would I—''

''Thanks!'' Y/n rushed off before he can decline, walking over to Eren and Armin.

''Hey there!''

The two boys jumped, looking back at her. ''Uh, hi?''

Y/n smiled at the two, her hands behind her back. ''You're Eren, right? So sorry about what happened today.''

Eren nodded. ''I— yeah. Thanks.'' He seemed rather flustered. ''You did great, though! It looked like you weren't moving at all! How'd you do it?''

Y/n shrugged. ''Oh, no idea, honestly. I guess I kind of used my legs to balance. I put one to the front and one to the back. And maybe you should try using your arms as well? You just have to spread your limbs evenly and then you should be fine, I think!'' Y/n explained, though she wasn't sure if that even made sense. ''Anyway, you better manage tomorrow, because I bet my bread on you!''

The three were now standing outside the mess hall. More people were leaving, passing by them.

Eren's eyes widened. ''You bet on me? With who?''

''You probably know him, Jean Kirstein?'' Y/n offered.

Eren scoffed. ''Oh, him.''

Armin finally piped in. ''You're friends with him, right?''

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah, we're best friends.''

''How can you tolerate him, he's so annoying,'' Eren confessed. ''No offense.''

Y/n laughed. ''Oh, tell me about it. I've known him practically since birth.'' She shrugged. ''I don't know, I guess he's not that bad once you get to know him.''

''Hard to believe.''

Jean exited the mess hall as if on cue, glaring at Y/n as his eyes fell on her. ''Hey, don't just leave your stuff like that again!''

Y/n gave him a smile. ''Thanks for putting them away, Jean-Bo!'' Y/n looked behind him, seeing only Connie and Marco following him. ''Where's Sasha?''

Marco gave her a smile. ''She stayed back to talk with Mikasa.''

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now