The Feminist of Star Base 12

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She was the oldest out of the three young American ladies that traveled from Post World War Three Planet Earth from The United States and when she arrived on Star Base 12. She was 22 years old.

She was a staunch support for women's rights, and she was a militant pacifist and she saw what it did to Planet Earth in the United States like it said in the song By Barry McGuire, "Eve of Destruction."

She watched from a distance as she grew up in New York. She witnessed the lack of unity between men and women of all color- and she didn't approve.

She tried not to let it harden her heart, but it did and when her boyfriend succumbed to radiation sickness finally and she heard the doctors say " The new treatments for radiation sickness should have worked but it didn't.

Her heart became even harder when her caretakers signed her for the United Federation of Planets Program, " Operation Adam and Eve." She wondered about it as well.

The United Federation of Planets never told the young people who were signed up for the program to be relocation program that they were going to be human guinea Pigs to help repopulate the universe and they told they were the lucky ones who were not affected from radiation sickness and they were not infertile just like in the "The Handmaid Tale" written by Margaret Atwood.

This time it was both young men and women who were between the age of 12 and 19 years old who were tested for fertility and they were chosen to by selective progress from over 100,000 young American War Orphans to board the USS Republic on June 25...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

This time it was both young men and women who were between the age of 12 and 19 years old who were tested for fertility and they were chosen to by selective progress from over 100,000 young American War Orphans to board the USS Republic on June 25, 2270 and only 250 young men and women were chosen and the rest had to wait for the next StarShip to leave Planet Earth.

Just like the onset of World War three Planet Earth when the military gave young men narcotics to increase their productivity.

After World War Three Planet Earth had ended and after what the doctors called Adrenaline regimens were discovered to be useful in treating radiation sickness after the war; this would later be supplanted by the even more effective Hyronalin therapies in later decades and the doctors used would spike the young people's food with an aphrodisiac to induce to have sexual intercourse with each other to produce children before they reach their destination of Star Base 10 or 12.

By the time the young people reached Star Base 1o and 12 the children they produced would be five years old, but during the five year journey.

None of the 250 young men or women had any children, and in 2274, The United Federation of Planets shelved the program and labeled it a failure.

They didn't realize that young men didn't mature as fast as young women did, and they didn't reach puberty until later.

The majority of young men kept to themselves and had nothing to do with the young women that traveled with them and most of the young women wanted nothing to do with their young men.

They just weren't interested in each other and not even the aphrodisiac that was given to them didn't work.

When Susan Virginia Bell reached Star Base 12. She was 22 years old and she didn't care for any young man as she had lost her boyfriend.

She wanted to treasure the memories that she had with her late boyfriend William, and she had pictures of them together.

On the other hand, on Star Base 12, there was the nephew of The Duke of Norfolk Territory, who was 24 and he had a strong desire to know Susan Virginia Bell.

They were like two rams butting horns with each other.

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second was born into an aristocratic family and the son of the Second son of The Later Duke of Norfolk Territory and the nephew of The Present Duke of Norfolk Territory

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second was born into an aristocratic family and the son of the Second son of The Later Duke of Norfolk Territory and the nephew of The Present Duke of Norfolk Territory.

He was not very progressive, but in one area he was against archaic pre-arranged marriages for the aristocrats on Star Base 12.

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second was a proud young Aristocrat and he was brought up where he believed that men should rule and women should remain silent, obedient and submissive.Susan Virginia Bell believed the opposite and they were on opposite sides for women rights, human rights and Susan confronted Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second and asked him ' Have you ever heard the song " Eve of Destruction," "You don't own me" or "I am Woman Hear Me Roar."

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second to that responds " No! I have never heard the songs."

"You should listen to them, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second " What did they teach you at the High Fancy Price Parochial School that you attended for how many years? Susan asks.

"We learned the typical subjects." Lord Richard Edward The Second tells her.

"It sounds just like Wellesley University. All they taught the women there was how to set a damn dinner table, how to pick out appliances for their kitchen when they married, how to be a good hostess, and how to please their cheating husbands" Susan tells him.

"I am not the woman for you, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second. We are on the different ends of the spectrum." Susan tells him.

"There are plenty of young women you can marry on Star Base 12 and they are from your social class." Susan tells him.

"I don't see why we can't be friends, and what happens from then on. Let it be." Susan tells him.

"I don't come with a dowry, and I don't come from an aristocratic family or a title." Susan tells him.

"Why don't you ask your uncle to find you a bride in your social class, with a dowry, a title and property. "Susan tells him.

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second is a persistent young man and he never gives up like his great-grandfather never gave up on his great-grandmother until she finally gave in but only after asking her twice did she finally agree to marry him.

Yuletide Collection 2024: Yuletide in The Dukedom of Wessex TerritoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang