Only Time Will Tell

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One-shot takes place between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 of Sonic RESURGENCE. For more context, check out the story on my account!

Paring: Light Sonally

Characters: Oliver "Sonic the Hedgehog" Cobalt, Princess Sarah "Sally" Acorn

Setting: Knothole Sanctuary

Plot: Sally decides to have Sonic take them to what used to be Knothole Village, allowing her to share a piece of her old world with the adventurer.

Outside the Walls of New Mobotropolis, Great Forest,

A blue streak sped by, rushing away from the walls of an eco friendly but advanced city within the lush green bushes and tall and healthy trees of the Great Forest.

The source of the phenomenon was a famous high speed adventurer in the form of a sixteen-year-old male anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with emerald green eyes, white gloves, a necklace with a small golden Warp Ring dangling on it with white socks and red flat top Power Sneakers with a white stripe and golden buckles on them.

This was Sonic the Hedgehog, and he was the Fastest Thing Alive.

Interestingly enough, he was accompanied by a new companion which he was carrying in his arms. She was a female chipmunk with short lucious auburn hair that went up to her bottom neck, brown and tan fur, sapphire colored eyes, and thin eyebrows and lines that matched her hair color. She wore a black tanktop and shorts while wearing a blue vest, boots, and bracelets that all went together nicely on the seventeen-year-old.

This was Sally Acorn, Princess of the Acornia Kingdom and field leader of the Knothole Freedom Fighters.

The young adult (Sally) was currently adjusting herself to the immense speed which her newset Freedom Fighter member was traveling. Right now, it took all of her might not to let out a high pitch scream, as she was practically a speeding bullet. No, scratch that, she was being carried by the speeding bullet on a joyride.

Well, what he thought was a joyride. To her, no rollercoaster or other fast pace amusement park ride could compare to the insanity that was her old amnesiac childhood friend's speed. All she could do was keep her arms wrapped around the Quickster's neck and and hold on for dear life.

A way for her to distract herself from the hectic movement was that her ears picked up on Sonic's heartbeat. And while erratic it was, the chipmunk managed to catch the rhythm of his heart thumping. For a brief moment, there were tinges of blushing on her cheeks as she mentally found herself captivated by her being so close to the boy she had been keep track of for a few years. The prideful militant field leader wouldn't admit it right now, she enjoyed being around her friend. More so than the others aside from NICOLE.

"Hey, Red! You okay there?" Sonic asked, screaming while running through the Great Forest.

"Damn it, Oliver! You just got out of the hospital! Didn't Dr. Quack and Sir Charles both tell you to take it easy!?" Sally chastised, fighting the urge to use one of her hands to bonk the hedgehog with it..

Sonic chuckled at the chipmunk and said, "Whatcha mean!? This is just joggin' to me!"

"W-What!?" Sally squeaked, shocked at the information.. "How fast can you possibly go!?"

"...I'm pretty fast, but I never got a chance to go all out!" Sonic smirked with confidence. "But who knows, we might get to find out soon! And I sure can't wait to see!"

'What kind of person is this guy!?' Sally questioned to herself before Sonic spoke to her aloud.

"Hey, hey!" Sonic called out. "I've been followin' the path like ya said! Tell me when to make that turn you were talkin' about!"

Only Time Will Tell, A SONIC RESURGENCE one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now