1 | in the middle of the enlistment

Start from the beginning

Oh, she's done for. You seemed like a fun person, Sasha. It is unfortunate we didn't get to talk before Shadis fed you to the titans.


''So, where are we sitting, Moron Kirstein?''

''Call me that one more time.''

The two had just grabbed their food and were looking over the mess hall, wondering who they were going to sit with. Thomas Wagner was there, but he and Jean didn't particularly get along. The boy Armin from earlier sat with a boy and a girl, but they seemed to keep to themselves. She'd wanted to sit with Sasha, but she wasn't there — she was still running, as per Shadis' punishment. She would have to wait until morning.

This was important. They needed to make social connections.

''How about there?'' Jean nodded his head in the direction of two boys — one was the bald boy who didn't know his lefts and rights, Connie Springer, as well as another boy who'd said he wanted to join the MPs, Marco Bodt, if she remembered correctly.

Y/n frowned. ''I'm not sitting with just boys. I can barely stand you alone.''

Jean shrugged. ''Suit yourself. You don't know anyone else here.'' He started walking away, causing Y/n's mouth to drop.

''Hey! Wait up, dumbass!'' She caught up to him, mumbling under her breath in annoyance. ''I'm dragging that girl Sasha to sit with us tomorrow.''

''Hey.'' Jean didn't even ask if they could sit there, but simply plopped on the bench. ''I'm Jean.''

''Oh my walls, you are so rude.'' Y/n shook her head. ''Excuse this mannerless donkey, can we sit here?''

Jean slapped Y/n lightly in the stomach without even looking at her, causing her to almost drop her stew.

Marco laughed. ''Sure, go ahead. I'm Marco, this is Connie.'' He gestured to the two of them. ''You're Y/n, right?''

Y/n sat down next to Jean, smoothing her skirt as she did. ''Yeah, that's right.''

Okay, they'd found a table. They'd introduced each other . . . now what?

''Do you two know each other?'' asked Marco, pointing between her and Jean. Good, he was taking the lead of the conversation.

Jean nodded. ''Unfortunately.''

Y/n slapped his arm lightly. ''Yeah, our mothers are friends, so we basically grew up together. Unfortunately.''

Connie quirked an eyebrow. ''Oh? So you're dating?''

Y/n felt Jean stiffen next to her. Y/n laughed. ''What? As if! No, we're just friends.''

Jean scoffed. ''Yeah, as if I would date someone who couldn't tie her shoelaces until she was ten.''


Jean's mouth dropped in shock. He grabbed his bread and shoved it in Y/n's mouth. ''DON'T TELL THEM THAT, IDIOT!''

Y/n glared at him, but bit on the bread anyway. ''Thanks for the extra bread.''

''Hey, what? No! Give me yours!'' Jean reached out to grab the still-untouched bread.

''No!'' Y/n pulled it away. ''This one's for Sasha!''

Connie raised an eyebrow. ''The Potato Girl? She's still running?''

Y/n nodded, pushing Jean's head away. ''Yeah. I'm gonna go bring her some food once I'm done, she must be exhausted.''

Marco smiled at her. ''That's so nice of you, Y/n.''

Y/n nodded. ''I know, I'm a saint.''

Jean scoffed. ''Hard to believe.''

''Shut up and eat your stew, Moron Kirstein. By the way, your forehead's still red!''

Dinner was rather enjoyable despite the fact most of the conversation was just her and Jean bickering. She was the first one to have finished. Wrapping the bread she'd managed to save from Jean in a handkerchief, she got up and grabbed her untouched canteen with water. ''I'll see you guys in the morning, yeah?''

Jean looked up; he was still halfway through his meal. ''Where're you going?''

''Gotta feed the poor girl outside — Don't miss me too much, Jean-Bo!'' She ran away before he could throw something at her for the nickname.

She exited the mess hall with the bread and a canteen in hand. It was already dark outside. Sasha was still running, though she seemed to be heading towards the barracks at last. Y/n quickly made her way down the stairs and towards Sasha, who's loud pants filled the air the closer the two girls got to each other.

''Sasha!'' Y/n called, though the girl didn't turn. She must've been too exhausted to pay attention. ''Hey! SASHA!''

That seemed to startle her. Sasha looked at Y/n, her eyes droopy, sweat dripping from her forehead and neck. Her ponytail was loose and she seemed like she was about to drop any minute now. She made her way to Y/n and did just that. ''Woah!'' Y/n managed to catch her, dropping the canteen on the ground as she slowly lowered the girl. ''Sasha, you okay?''

''Food . . .'' she muttered, her eyes only half-open and unfocused.

''I got you something.'' Y/n opened the handkerchief and dangled the bread above Sasha's eyes. ''It's not much, but—''

It was like Y/n had dangled a direct ticket to the top ten graduates. Sasha's eyes snapped open and her hand flew up to snatch the bread from Y/n, immediately stuffing it in her mouth while still laying down, causing her to choke.

''Sasha!'' Y/n quickly helped her sit up, pulling the rest of the bread out of her mouth and handing her the canteen. Sasha coughed and Y/n patted her on the back. ''There, there.''

''Thank—'' Cough. ''Thank you! Oh my walls, I am dying. Am I in heaven?'' Sasha drank the water quickly and Y/n wondered if she was going to choke again; she didn't. ''Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!''

Y/n never knew someone could be so thankful for a piece of stale bread.

Despite the shock, Y/n chuckled. ''You're welcome.''

The two sat on the ground as Sasha started munching on her bread again. ''Whash your nhame?'' She spoke with her mouth full and Y/n barely understood her.

''It's Y/n.''

''Thank you so much, Y/n! You're a life saver.'' Sasha put her free hand on Y/n's shoulder and shook her. ''Let's be friends! Please, please, please!''

Y/n laughed. ''Yeah, sure.'' The two stood up. Y/n wasn't sure how Sasha was even still standing — she was something else for sure. Was she a potential top ten candidate? ''Let's go back to the barrack. You're bunking with me, by the way. Hope you don't mind.''

''Of course not!'' Sasha wrapped her arm around Y/n's, holding the canteen with her other one. ''My legs are killing me! I need to lay down — the sooner I sleep, the sooner I can go to breakfast tomorrow!''

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now