Chapter 7

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Justin's P.O.V.

Walking between a bunch of machinery was kind of annoying. Being careful is easy but walking through things that are metal with many sharp things requires a bit more focus. The rest of the focus goes to looking for a box holding a rare piece of rock. Scattered around are metal bits and glass. This tells me whoever owns this ship is messy. 

There was no sign of money, jewels or anything relatively expensive in a rich person's world. I went in and out of cargo boxes finding things of no importance. This ship seemed to be carrying anything and everything. Basic necessities like food and clothes, as well as machinery that has many different purposes. Yet no sign of what I want. 

Soon, I hear a huge crash and Ryan runs into me. 

"We've got to go!" 

"But we haven't found the jewels."

"I have them. All three. Let's go. Now."

Just then, someone else appears behind Ryan. By the stature, I'm guessing it's a girl. Regardless, she was after Ryan with a knife. Ryan grabbed my arm and ran for it. Usually, we would stay and fight but something seemed off this time. 

We were close to the edge of the ship we came from when I remembered Regie. ""REBOUND?! COME ON! WE'VE GOT TO GO!"

Pretty soon, Regie is running next to us. The boat is a little ways from the ship because we swam with gear to a ladder, but now, we don't have time to get that on.

"Hold on to your stuff, we're jumping."

"Are you insane?!?" Regie asks.

"Would you rather get caught?"

He grumbles something about his clothes and getting wet but also about not wanting to swim. Then, people appear behind us, five in total. Dammit.

"Jump. " I whisper to Ryan and Regie who just look at me like I've lost it.

"Hand it over." The second shortest one says.

"Fine." I take the bag from Ryan and he looks at me in shock.

I walk toward the group but halfway I turn and run. I jumped the rail and holding onto the bag as tight as possible, plunged into the water that was a bit far down. As my head emerged above the water there were two splashes near me. Regie and Ryan had jumped. 

Now the three of us made our way to the small fishing boat and finally escaped the people chasing us. 

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