no. 1

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May 29th how ironic is it that someone can die on the same day they are born, years later. 

"Fucking hell atsumu!" I hear Osamu yell along with a door busting open.

"What did I do this time?" He bickers back, i snicker in the back ground and Osamu gives both of us dirty looks

"Hey I didn't do anything Im in America remember" I defend myself from Osamu icy glare

"Shush, Atsumu you used all the hot water"  Im shushed and I know Osamu is wrong soooo.

"Boo Osamu, and also Atsumu has been on call with me for 2 hours. Now thinking about it Atsumu you sweaty a gross take a shower after samu ." I get dirty look from Atsumu along with Osamu. 

I hear a light knock on my door "come in" I say giving them a look of not to interrupt my conversation

"mom!! Ahh!"  they both shout and along with a crash afterwards and some snickering from Atsumu. It don't take long hough from Atsumu to be pulled down after.

"Both of y'all take a shower" I say and hang up before they can say something back.

"Yes mom?" I say looking over. She smiles a sweet soft smile.

"Do you want to stay in tonight or go out?" She ask

"Ummm. How about we go out for dinner and then watch movies, and you fall asleep on the couch?" I say knowing my mom and I are opposite in the way we sleep. She goes to bed early a wakes up early, and I go to be late and some how wake up at  normal time. 

She smiles and nods going to leave my room, right as she's about to close my door she stopped and her head peaks around. By the way you should also start packing we're going back to Japan soon. The boxes are down stair she says as the door closes.

I'm on my feet in no time a run around my room like a person who's reading and the  enemies arnt enemies anymore.  Grabbing my phone I call Atsumu he always picks up first, wether it's him or Osamu. The call picks up and I run around my room screaming. 

"Mom told you?" Atsumu smiles. I run to grab my phone 

"Yes yes yes" I say jumping up and down.

"Calm down y/n" i here samu in the background 

"Shut it Osamu" I say out of breath and fall onto my bed. Osamu gets into the frame. And smiles just as endearing as sumu. Atsumu perk up an I know this will be loud.

"Well get to packing, we're going to watch some lame tv show dad picked out." They both groan and we hang up. 

I go down stairs an my mother is crying, going up to her I hug her. I know there can only be one reason now. Alexander...

"How about we get some good food and then watch a comedy movie?" I question and she turns to cup my cheek and place a kiss on my forehead

"Thank you" she says 

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