Chapter Two: The Lady in the Mirror

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Lumine opened her eyes. In what seemed like a blink of an eye she was transported to another place entirely. It was a lonely place that looked a lot like the Opera Epiclese, but there was merely a stage that stood in front of her, as well as a set of only three lights. Lumine climbed onto the stage and was surprised to see Furina sitting on a throne, literally in the limelight.
The Blonde Traveller approached her.

"Please... turn off the lights... if only for a moment." She signalled to her. Lumine did as she asked and switched off the light that was directly in front of her.
As what felt like lines from a script began to play from Furina's lips, a series of Meka guards approached the stage. It seems to gain access to her secrets, to learn the truth about Furina, she would have to fight these Meka as well as switch off all of the lights. It was like keys to a chest, an analogy of which seeming to fit the situation.

Lumine easily dispatched the Meka. The strength of the Meks themselves represented Furina's mind and how damaged it was. At least now she could finally take a breath without all of the eyes on her.


Lumine watched as Furina's conscience acted out the last five hundred years as if it was a play. It showed a more 'real' side to Furina. A more naive side, tainted by years of suffering and wearing a mask just to try and prevent a catastrophe from unfolding. As each scene - each day passed by, Lumine would notice how more unstable and fractured Furina's mind would become. Lumine's heart ached particularly as one particular scene took place.

Scene 182375, Opera House, Furina.

"Lady Furina! It's... It's like a dream, being able to speak to you like this..." excitedly exclaimed a woman, who was assumed to be a reporter.
"I've heard that the first member of our family who was honoured to receive an audience with you was Madame Deoteria, almost twenty generations ago!"

To think it's been twenty generations...

Twenty generations since her Hell began. An inescapable torture. Just when will it end?

"Hahaha..." laughed Furina, though her voice seemed hoarse, "and what a fine family yours is, indeed! It brings me great joy to meet such a faithful believer, a descendant of a line most ardent!"

Furina tried her very best to be her 'usual self', but she could feel herself fracturing as the seconds went by. Her own mental state in shambles.

The reporter chuckled a little nervously, before furrowing her brows. Only now had she actually taken the time to look at Furina rather than relishing in the feeling of being face to face with the Hydro Archon.
Tears streamed down Furina's cheeks. It looked like she didn't even know she was crying.

"Umm... my lady?" She asked.

"Hmm? What is it, good citizen...?" Furina responded. Even her voice sounded like it was desperately trying to not break down and sob.

Lumine felt her heart ache. How could someone keep something like this secret for so long?
A secret in which the beholder had to suffer for hundreds of years...

"Are - are you crying?" The woman asked.

Furina's eyes widened, almost in shock. How could she not notice her own tears falling? She tried to fight it, to force her body to stop producing tears, but it didn't listen to her. It wouldn't.

"Huh? Hahaha, really now? I didn't even notice." She croaked out.
"This must be the overflow of hydro from my person! Well, can't help being a god whose dominion is the waters, can I?" She continued.
Furina was oh so desperate to break down. But she couldn't.


Furina wept defeatedly on her bed.
'So interminable... so lonely... just how much longer?'
Furina felt her cries get louder. It hurt her chest to cry. It hurt so much.
But she deserves this right? For she is the Archon of Fontaine, and she must do everything she can to stop the prophecy from taking place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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