Stranger Waking

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Ugh, what the... man, why's it so dark? And cramped?


...what was that?

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..."


"Urrghhh... This lid weighs a ton!"

What li-

"Try this on for size! Mya-ha!"



Blue flames engulfed your flesh, curling around you like ribbons that singed your skin. With an urgency you didn't know you had in you, you shoved the walls of your containment open and tumbled onto the floor. You coughed and hacked as smoke spun through the room.

"Now, to grab the goods..."

That voice again. You were sure they were the source of your near death experience from moments before. You rolled over onto your back and sat up slowly as the smoke cleared from the room. Before you was...

"What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!"

"...a talking... cat? ...I guess drugs are bad..."

Your eyes spun around the room and you gawked.

"Floating coffins too? Yikes, that was some bad weed..."

"Oh-ho! You got a lotta nerve ignoring me, human! The name's Grim. Believe me, you won't forget it!"

Yeah, you probably wouldn't. Mainly because it's a talking cat. Also where were you?

With a groan, you stood up and dusted yourself off. Once again the shrill complaints of an angry cat hit your ears like a bus. You couldn't have imagined a more annoying voice if you tried.

"Hey! Gimme your uniform!"

You just stared at him for a long minute, wondering what in the hell he was talking about. It took a full half a minute before you thought to actually look down at yourself.

"...what the fuck?"

I mean, it was a cool outfit and all but... who the hell changed your clothes? And why?

But alas, you weren't allowed to contemplate such things, as the talking cat was less than patient.

"I said gimme your uniform! If ya don't you're gonna regret it!"

A layer of flames spilled from the cat's mouth again, dousing the room in blue fire. With another surge of adrenaline slithering through your veins, you jumped out of the way and swung the large doors to the room open, running out into the halls of... wherever you were.


Your lungs burned. Between running down dark hallways, breathing smoke, and shouting at full force, you were in horrid pain. Not pained enough to stop, of course. You were in danger, so no lung pain was enough to get you to stop shouting.

"Of all the bullshit... A fucking talking cat! This had better just be a bad trip... The fuck'll I dream of next?"

Your quipping was quickly returned by the cat-


Sorry, the Not Cat–My apologies.

You stumbled through stone hallways as the not-cat shouted after you with passionate rage. First a classroom, then down to a courtyard, then finally into the library.

Curiouser & Curiouser  // Twisted Wonderland x Fem. Reader //Where stories live. Discover now