"Ha ha very funny come on we need to have breakfast ok" I placed them beside her on the  bed.

"Freen " she called out when I was about to walk out of the room ,I turned around to face her 

"My room is next to yours, I have my own clothes " she uttered making my face hot and red in embarrassment. She laughed making me run downstairs.


I was stirring the bacon when I felt hands on my shoulders and a head shot up next to me 

"Mm smells nice " she said 

Turning my head to look at the figure smiling while admiring the food, feeling my stares she also looked and we locked eyes.

Butterflies had escaped somewhere and went to my stoch

Goose bumps 

Heart beating hysterically just by looking into her eyes 

We stared at each other for a minute until I smelled something burning. Diverting my attention to the stove I realised that I was burning the bacon.

I removed the pot from the stove I ran water over it and scrubbed the pot. Done I was going to remake them but Becky insisted that we order since I might be tired too. I agreed and we ordered.


After the food came we sat at the dining table. Freen as the sweetheart she is unpacked the food as served it while I just got the water.

I couldn't help but gaze at Freen so hot when serious 

How serious he was last night

God us yesterday was the greatest thing ever

But wait does she feel the same

I mean she probably fucked prettier girls than me

How can I be any different

It was probably heat of the moment and meant nothing to her

"Becky are you ok you are spacing out " she holding my hand and looking at me worriedly.

   "What's bothering you"

"Ah nothing Freen" I responded

"Nothing means something Becky tell me I might help you if you need any" 

"I was just thinking about something don't worry"

"I won't if you just tell me " she squeezed my hands 

"Umm w-well I was wondering why we didn't have a honeymoon stupid right" I lied my way out

"No its not I just thought you wouldn't want to be stuck with me in some island or country "

"We can go if you want" 

"Ah no you are busy I don't wanna bother you"

"No I insist its Friday if we leave in.... an hour yes we can make it there by 2pm then spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday there how about that"

"where are we going"


"But I hate flights see we can't"

"Then we will take domestic trip I will drive "   

"It will tire you, Japan is far away "

"Stop your excuses I said I'm fine"

"Now come...on" she held my hands and and made me stand and pushed me lightly to the stairs

"Go and pack little one" then she slapped my ass and I gasped surprised with the action.

"Why did u do that" I asked

"Because you look so hot wearing my clothes I can't help it "

"PERVERT"I mumbled loud enough for her to hear

"No but then we could she bail out on the the trip and have our own in the house" She bit her lips while she gazed at me seductively.

"Freen stop jeez "

"Seriously think about it its a great deal for me"


"I promise to take care of you if you cant walk"

"FREEN!!!" I yelled felling my face getting hotter imagining the unimaginable 

She laughed and went towards me, her hand went to my waist while the other gripped my ass then she pinned me to the wall. Then she held my left leg up and placing it on her waist then went closer to me.

I moaned when bit my ear lobe 

"One hour or we are going to plan B " she whispered with a raspy voice before leaving me and went to her room.

I thought for a second there to forget plan A and go for B because wow but I brushed the feeling off and rushing to my room to prepare.


"5, 4, 3, 2..."

"A-am here"I said trying to catch my breath after running downstairs so that we could leave

"Plan B is better but you still won come on " she helped me with my bag. Then placed it in the boot while I went to get inside the car

"Wait" she yelled when I tried opening the passenger seat. She closed the boot and went too my side and open the door for me then gestured for me to enter.

I blushed at the endorsement and entered the car to which she closed the the door and jogged to her side of the car then drove away.

During the car ride Freen kept asking me questions about me saying she wants to learn more about 'her wife' and I gladly answered since I was learning about her too. 

After talking so much I felt sleepy and my eyes became heavy but I didn't want to sleep so that Freen won't be bored

"You can sleep Becky, You must be tired " she said noticing I have been yawning for long 

"Am not sleepy "

"yes you are stubborn kid " she then pulled over and reached at the back of the car to get a travelling pillow and a care bear fleece blanket making me smile seeing my favs

"Here you can wear the blanket if you are cold now sleep "  

"Thank you Freen I will take a nap for an hour ok "she nodded and I spread the blanket on my body adjusted the seat to a sleeping position then put the travelling pillow around her neck.

She drove away and I drifted off to sleep

heaven or hell (freenbecky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now