Just Teasing

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Riley's POV

"Guys the bus is here, it's time to go win Nationals" I hear Miss Kate announce as she walks into studio A with Phoebe. I'm so excited for Nationals, it's been years since The Next Step got this far and even better, James and I get to dance together in front of all those people.

"Riley did you pack hairspray because I totally forgot" Thalia questions clearly more nervous than anyone else, which understandable though because it's her first year with The Next Step.

"Thalia this is Riley, she packs everything but the kitchen sink" Emily laughs as she passes us with her luggage.

"Very funny Em" I say while rolling my eyes and shaking my head at her while grabbing my own luggage. "But yes Thalia, I do" I reassure her, which is odd; I'm normally the nervous one.

We got down to the bus and I was about to get on when I feel a sneaky hand wrap around my waist and pull me back against a tall, strong body. James.

"Most people just say hello" I giggle while turning in his arms to look at him, and then hug him.

"You didn't think you'd get on the bus without your handsome boyfriend sitting beside you did you?" he smirked pulling me closer to him.

"Well when I get a handsome boyfriend I'll wait for him to escort me to the bus" I giggle with a wink, but James just laughs and leads me onto the bus. He sits me in the window seat, mainly so he can talk to the boys but I don't mind, I'll just group text the girls.

We'd been on the bus for 15 minutes and James was messing around with West and Eldon so I decided to put my headphones in and play some Brighter Brightest; I did not want to hear their conversations about other girls, when I got a text from Michelle.

M- You okay? You're quiet...

R- Yeah I'm fine, kind of nervous though :(

M- Don't be, you're gonna do amazing girl x

R- Thanks for the confidence x

M- What are those boys talking about anyhow? And why do they keep looking down at you? X

R- I put my headphones in so I didn't have to find out...And what? X

I lock my phone and look up to see all three boys looking at me, Eldon and West grinning and raising their eyebrows, whereas James was just looking at me, biting his cheek slightly. I pause my music and look at James, letting him know that I know something's up.

James' POV

West and Eldon kept pestering me about my relationship with Riley and wouldn't give up. They were determined to bug me until they found out how far we'd gone together, but I knew that if I told them the truth Riley would get mad. I promised her that those events would stay between the two of us but if I didn't, the boys would make my life hell. I didn't want to choose between my girl and my best friends so I just shrugged and said "Don't even worry about it", which to them must be code for "yes I slept with her and not only once" because they cheered and stared at Riley while laughing about buying us a 'Do Not Disturb' sign for the hotel, which is when I notice Riley on her phone looking confused.


"James?" Riley nudged me again looking concerned.

"Don't even worry about it Ri" I smiled, trying to reassure her, but the boys used this as a cue to laugh, worrying Riley. "You two cut it out" I moaned to the guys, quietening them for a while.

"Whatever man," Eldon laughed before turning around.

"James what's going on?" Riley whispered, a look of concern on her face and her eyes, god I love those eyes.

"Nothing Ri, they're just being meat heads" I smiled before wrapping my arm around her and using the other to rub her leg, which I know she'll repay me for later ;).

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