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We've been stuck in traffic for 8 hours now. if we leave our vehicle, we will die. My wife Lauren is in her car right behind my truck with our two cats but I can't get out and see her. The last guy who got out was shot in the legs and then ran over by a tank.

The drive was beautiful most of the way and Lauren and I spend a lot of time on speakerphone with each other. My only complaint was that there was a really bad thunderstorm that lasted for hours but I thought it would go away and that everything will be fine. I took a look at the navigation app on my phone but it didn't show any red areas of heavy delay.

it also had some trouble showing my exact location so I just lit a cigarette and thought it would just be a few minutes before the traffic clears.... After about 15 minutes, I called Lauren.

"How's it going back there" I asked.
"Not great.... What's going on?" She asked.
"Must be an accident that just happened.... My phone usually gives me a heads up if there's planned construction or something so I'm sure it's not a construction that's causing the traffic "

"I'm so tired" said Lauren.

"I know, me too. Let's stop and get something to eat once we're through". I said

"Alright". She replies as i ended the call.  I hung up and tried to get something on the radio.

On turning it on, I heard some kind of weird robotic voice saying some strange words.... I tried changing radio station but it was same thing I kept hearing in all channels.

I finally got frustrated and turned it off....

I took my phone out to check twitter but it kept saying no network. Quite strange since I've had good network since throughout the day.

I thought it was just the weather but I never knew it was more worse than that.... More horrifying than I could ever expect.

I just sat down in the car waiting for the traffic to clear but it wasn't showing sign of moving at all. I began to feel uneasy.

People were sticking their heads out the windows to try to figure out what's going on. But it was no use since the lines of cars blocked the views.

A few people got out of their vehicles to try to get a better look. I got out too and started walking to Lauren's car.

When I was half way there, a voice cut in the hair. It sounded like someone shouting through a microphone:

"Return immediately to your vehicles. No-one is permitted to be outside.. This is your only warning and if you do not obey, there would be serious consequences.. The voice ended

"What the f**k is going on?" A guy shouted from the car at my side. He came out from his car and the next thing I saw was that he fell on the ground.

I didn't see what had kīllëd him but from the little I saw, that was enough reason for me to remain in my car.

I tried calling Lauren again and when she answered, all I could hear was Lauren sounding scared and begging to know what was happening.

"I don't know. Maybe they're searching for a criminal or something" I replied trying to give myself some hope.

A minute later, an ambulance came from my right side. I wondered how it was able to beat the traffic that was held up at the back but that wasn't something to bother about now.

The ambulance picked up the body of that man that fell and threw it into the truck then the door slammed shot and the ambulance sped off. From a different angle that it came....

Somebody in front of me got the idea to follow the ambulance to see what they're up to and Also to get us a way out of there.

A red car that looked new decided to take that risk and  follow the ambulance. I tried calling Lauren to ask her if she thought we should try it too considering the fact that it could get us out of there.... But this time, the call didn't even go through as the network because worse.

I was getting ready to try calling again when I heard this loud blast. I looked and saw some big smoke and all of a sudden, there were chunks of a car flying through the air .

I was the pieces from the red car that ran after the ambulance.

I became tensed. What was happening.... ?

I thought of my wife at the back inside her own car. I couldn't reach her because of the network issues and we also weren't allowed to leave from our vehicle.

Just then, some fleet of massive truck started rolling in from a difficult route. Some of the trucks had some huge irons and bricks on them and I kept wondering what they wanted to do with those items.

Soon, they got to work and started building some walls around us. They were standing the huge irons and adding some bricks to it and then blocking our way forward.

Some workers with their big truck went to the back and was doing the same.

Are they trying to build a wall to trap us in !!? I became so alarmed.

Other drivers were also annoyed and some even came down from their vehicles to confront them or confirm what was really happening.

As soon as they stepped their foot on the ground, they were being shot.

I was almost having an heart attack... What do I do? Is this how I'm going to end it? My family.... My wife... different thoughts kept running though my mind as I watched the workers kept building a huge wall around us.

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