~Yet Another Argument~

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I had yet again found myself in Diane's office, arguing with her. I don't remember how it happened, or why it happened.

"No Fuck you don't Diane! You don't! You care for her! That's why you married her!" I yell, tears flooding my vision. "Yes, I Care for her! But I care for you too!" Diane mumbles back. "No you fucking don't! Y'know, it's ironic, I'm the other woman." I say, letting out a pathetic sob. "No, your not the other woman.." Diane mutters. "SHE is NOT the other woman, IM the other woman! You two found each other first! I don't care who the fuck you love more Diane, I will always be the other woman!" I yell out, enraged as sobs rack my body. Diane stays silent. "Nobody is the other woman." Diane mutters. "I AM THE OTHER WOMAN! AND THAT PISSES ME OFF! I KNOW YOU FUCKING LOVE HER, AND I DONT KNOW IF YOU LOVE ME..all I know..is that..y'all two are married. And that's that. And you lied to me. For years. We we're happy Diane..we were finally good for once. We we're finally happy. And then you fucking ruined it. You ruined it..you ruined it all.." I mutter, breaking down near the end. Diane has seemed to reach her point. "You want to argue? Well then how's this for argue, YOU ruined it all. I thought you were great, and you know, you are the other woman! You are the fucking Mrs. Side piece! Go change your last name at this point, YOU found your way into me and Mildred's lives. And YOU ruined it all. Me and Mildred were going to travel the world, but then YOU ruined it all!" She yells back.

I chuckle at her words, thrown into a fit of laughter. "Your saying I came in to YOUR life? YOU were the one stalking me when I moved in next door. YOU fucking were the first one to talk to me. Oh, and did I mention YOU kidnapped me Diane. I could go to the fucking police right now and report YOU and MILDRED! That sounds like a great idea you know! I mean at least YOU deserve it! I don't know shit about this Mildred girl, but I doubt she'd be able to be worse than you. Diane Sherman, you, are, the, worst, person, ever. I HATE YOU." I say, in a sickly sweet tone. "Now, that I see you are silent. I will be taking my leave bitch! Your lucky I have no where to fucking go! But I'll be in the fucking basement where I'd rather be than near you!" I say with a smile, staring at Diane's defeated face. I turn around and stumble out, opening the door and walking past a concerned Mildred. "Lucifer!" I call out, almost drunkly. I hear a meow before he's beside my legs, following me down the steps. "You know..your the only person I like right now." I say with an eye roll as I sit down on the mattress held down there. He meows in response curiously, tilting his head. "Can you believe her?! Blaming me?!" I say with a dry chuckle, tears still rolling. I hear a scream, and something shattering. "I hope that fucking cuts her." I say with an eye roll. Lucifer hisses, as if showing his hate for her.

I lay down on the mattress, Lucifer curling up with me, and foot steps are heard down the steps. Mildred peaks her head around the corner. "Are you alright?" She whispers. "Yep! Fucking fine! I'm great!" I say with a bittersweet smile. "Seriously y/n." Mildred says with one of her damned warm smiles, as she moves down a little. I let out a little sob chuckle, before shaking my head. "No, I'm not." I mutter, bringing a hand up to wipe my tears. Lucifer meows at me, and I rub him. "I'm okay boy.." I whisper. "That cat loves you." Mildred mumbles, coming closer and closer gradually. "He sure does. He hates Diane." I say with a smile, looking up to meet Mildred's eyes. "Honestly, if I was in your position I would too. I understand why you are fed up with the both of us. And..as much as Diane wouldn't want to see it, we would fully let you go away if you truly wanted to. Diane would be destroyed though..I really do feel sorry for you." Mildred says with a sigh. I smile, an actual genuine smile. "Thank you. I am kind of pissed at you too, but you're being nice right now, so, I'll tolerate you. I probably couldn't dream of leaving Diane..no matter who she's with." I say, and I realize Lucifer is letting Mildred pet him. "I will happily accept you then. I just want you to know Diane is currently in her bed, I calmed her down..she may have broke a plate but it's okay. Now, there is still a guest bedroom open." She says with a nod. "Where would you sleep..?" I ask softly. "Maybe with Diane, or on the couch. Depending on where you want me to sleep." She says with a shrug. I contemplate in my mind, weighing my decisions. Should I struggle to sleep without anybody, or sleep with the only person that's being nice to me right now?

"Could you..lay with me?" I ask softly as I stand up, Lucifer standing beside me obediently. Mildred, closes her eyes, then opens them, and tilts her head at me just as Lucifer had minutes ago. "Repeat that?" She asks. "Could you lay with me..?" I repeat, louder this time. Mildred shakes the confused look off her face, before settling with a smile. "Yes. I could." She says with a nod. "I'll meet you in the room in five." She adds, and goes.

I lay in bed, in the dark. I feel the covers being lifted, then someone settling in behind me. This is unacceptable! How can you lay with someone and not cuddle with them?! I guess I'll just do it. I roll over and scoot to her, burying my head in her neck. Lucifer meows, and lays at my legs. He purrs loudly, filling the silence. Mildred's soft breaths filling in the other spaces. "Goodnight y/n." Mildred manages to utter out. "Goodnight Milly." I mumble, closing my eyes, warmth filling me as tears slide down my cheeks absentmindedly. My blinks slow, and so do my breaths. I snake my arms around her waist, pulling her closer as I fade into sleep, comforted by my now two favorite people currently.

(I know this chapter contained a lot of Milly, but, it's progress! Uhmmm yea!)

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