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I Walk into Diane's office, seeing her typing away on that computer like she's been doing. "Do you want me to make you any lunch D?" I ask her quietly. "No. You can leave now." Diane says strictly. "Did I do anything..?" I Mutter out. "No, but you can go now." Diane, basically, demands now. "What is up with you Diane! First, you go behind my back and get a job! Then, you ignore me! Next, your telling me to randomly leave you alone! And last, your constantly texting and smiling at your phone! For gods sake we haven't had sex in seven weeks, we used to have sex at least once a week! If this keeps up I won't have any choice but to suspect I'm just not good enough and your cheating on me!" I yell, finally losing it as I motion around angrily. Diane closes her eyes and runs her hand through her hair, obviously trying to regulate the emotions within her. "Nothing is up. Im just stressed. Now, out." Diane warns with a glance. "What?! So you can call your secret lover?!" I say with one singular dry chuckle. "No, I just need to focus. Now, your making it really hard for me to contain my emotions. If you don't stop your gonna be punished young lady." Diane warns yet again. "I don't care! Punished for what?! For speaking the truth that you don't wanna admit to?! And to focus on what?! Your secret lover?!" I say as tears brim my eyes.

"Y/n. I get you don't understand anything right now, so, your lucky I'm not bending your ass over this desk right now. Now, get out." She says through gritted teeth. "Honestly at this point I would love to be bent over your desk! I don't know if you could fucking tell, but I crave attention! I do! And you gave me it! You spoiled me, and then you just yanked it away from me! And yes I do understand everything, I understand everything Diane. You have a lover, and I'm just Mrs side piece!" I yell out, the tears that once brimmed my eyes now falling. "Get your ass out." Diane grits out. "Happily! Fucking happily! Im so fucking done with you Diane, call your fucking love of your life! Im going for a fucking walk and If I don't fucking come back don't be fucking surprised." I say as I walk out, brushing the tears off my cheeks angrily. "Wait y/n!" She yells out. I unlock the front door. "No bitch! I ain't waiting on nobody! Go talk to your lover person!" I yell back as I open the door and slam it shut behind me, rushing off as the angry tears that flowed down my red face slowly turning into hopeless, depressed, sobs.

𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓢𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓮𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now