✭Part 1✮

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*•°~Slime's pov~°•*
"Shit- I'm gonna be late!" I said to myself, I got out of my bed running to the bathroom,
*•°~time skip~°•*
I was  running into the school, I accidentally ran into someone, "shit- I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you" I said getting up, "it's fine just be careful next time" the boy said, it was...Mariana the popular boy in the school, I started to feel something...it was love?...no I can't fall in love with a man and my parents are going to be mad if they found out if I was in love with a man but I feel like I have to make him mine "hey kid are you listening?" Mariana said making me go out of my daydream, "huh, oh yeah yeah I'm listening" i said, "ok if your really listening to me what did I just say" Mariana said, "i-i umm I gotta go bye" I said running away
*•°~time skip~°•*
I was in classroom, it was breaktime, I was reading a book but I can't keep stop thinking about Mariana, his hot face, his hot body and his fucking hands, I just  want his hands on my body, "fuck- why am I thinking about this!?" I said to myself, before I can leave the room, Mariana comes in the room, before I say anything Mariana pushed me against the wall "Slime~" Mariana said before kissing me, i didn't fight back, I just pull him in a hot kiss "mhm~ a-ah~" I moaned "your such a bad boy~" Mariana said, before I said anything...I woke up...it was a dream?

noticed i was alone in the classroom, I can't stop thinking about mariana, I noticed someone walked into the room it was tubbo, my younger brother "oh hey toby" I said "hi Charlie what are you still doing here?" Tubbo asked "what do you mean?" I said confused
"School ended an hour ago" he said "WHAT!?" I accidentally yelled "I mean what!?, then what are you still going here?" I said "I was waiting for you" toby said "ugh let's just go" I say getting up, I grab my bag and my phone
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Time skip˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Me and toby got home, he ran to his room I think to play with Tommy and Ranboo I guess? I put on my headphone and started listening to faster n harder by 6arelyhuman

[Faster n harder is one of my favorite songs]
I walked up to my room and change in a T-shirt and shorts, I started watching movie, a few minutes later I fell asleep
The end

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 11 ⏰

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*°•~my little yandere~•°* [yandere Slime]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ