Chapter Eleven

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Bzz bzz. Bzz bzz. Bzz bzz.

I shift slightly as I wake up, moving to turn my face into my pillow, letting out a deep breath as I hear my alarm go on.

But when my pillow moves, I'm sunk right back into reality. I'm lying next to Pedri as we're laying on his L shaped couch.

I feel Pedri move slightly, and the ringing stops, but is quickly replaced by the sound of a voice through the phone. A guy's voice.

I can't hear his conversation as Pedri whispers, probably to avoid waking me up. "Fine Pablo, I'll be there as soon as I can."

He removes himself as best as possible without moving me, as our arms were linked together. I didn't want to interfere with what he had to do so I pretended to be sleeping.

I hear him go into his kitchen before coming back after a few minutes. I feel him brush my cheek with his hand softly and repetitively.

"Rosa?" His other hand nudged my shoulder. "Rosalía wake up."

I opened my eyes to seem him hovering over me. My eyes adjusted to the lighting of his living room as I sat up.

"I'm sorry for waking you, but I'm going to pick up Pablo, so I thought  I'd bring you home too." I nodded, rubbing my eyes a bit.

I went upstairs and washed my face with some water to wake up better. I changed into my yesterday's clothes, leaving Pedri's hoodie on.

I went downstairs and sat downstairs next to him. "So I take that my sweatshirt's comfy, huh." He smiles. I grab the end of it to pull it off, embarrassed. "Don't, it suits you well."

I try to hide my blush as we sit down to eat breakfast. Once we're done, we get back to my house.


"And then he-"

"Stop!" I pressed my hand against her mouth. "I don't need any details."


"No, I don't need to know where, how, anything like that. I don't want to be scarred from my own house." She sighed before nodding.

"How was your time with Pedri?" She lied back down on the couch.

"It was nice." I think about to which extent I should tell her. "He's going to Madrid for a match against Betis though, so we won't see each other for a few days."

She nodded. "Yeah, Pablo told me about that too."

"Is it serious?" I asked her as I looked at my hands who sat in my lap. "Between you and Pablo."

"Yeah. I mean, we're not anything yet but, we both really like each other." I looked to see her observing the ceiling.

"You know, Pedri.. he told me some things about Pablo.." She turned to look at me curiously. "He was talking about how his reputation isn't very, well, clean, you know?"

"Stop being jealous, Rosalía." She laughed, turning over to look at me.

"I'm not. Pedri told me I should warn you."

"I'll tell you what you should do, you should start minding your own business. It's not my fault you can't be happy, so don't try to suck me into it too." She got up, and grabbed her things, leaving through the front door.

The walk to her house was fifteen minutes, and the sky wasn't even dark yet, so I let her go.

I went into the kitchen to start cooking something for lunch.

Hey girlll

What's up?

You Belong With Me // Pedri GonzalezTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon