And I couldn't take it anymore.

Hugging my hood, closer to me. I avoid his eyes and try to sneak past him.

He clearly doesn't want me here. I guess it's time to go home.

" Where do you think you are going?"

Those hands were quick to rest on the wall on my either side. Blocking me in. And I whisper lowly.

"None of y...our concern. "

That intoxicating leather and wood scent hits my olfactory senses and it made my heart miss a beat. Don't breathe Reinan. Hold in.

Yet my struggle proved futile when he leans in closer. His hot breath kisses my cheek.

" Don't throw me that attitude of yours. I asked where are you going?"

Gulping. I meet his eyes this time to seethe. I have had enough of his cold indifferent side. He can go fuc* himself.

" I told you already. It's none of your concern."

Crouching down and escaping from under his arm. I hug myself tightly to walk away from him. When he calls me from behind.

His voice showing no traces of any emotion.

" Don't be ridiculous. It's late. Just wait for half an hour. I will be done with my last fight and we can walk back together. "

I don't answer. Pushing my legs further, I rather fasten my pace.

I could do anything to be away from him right now.

Heavy footsteps follow me but I don't turn around.

" Agh. Riana....Ren....whatever your name is. Stop. "

It hurts to know he doesn't even know my name. Seriously what was I thinking coming here?

I had just taken two steps further when the pain in my stomach hits like a pointed knife and my breath gets knocked out of my chest.

" Agh"

I stumble a step , but hold my ground. Biting my lip. I put on that indifferent face. When warm fingers wrap around my wrist.

" Hey. What's wrong?"

I sensed a hint if concern in his voice but I am sure I must be hallucinating. Pulling my wrist out of his grip I seethe with poison in my voice.

" Don't touch me!"

His fingers retreat and his hands clench into fists. I see him grind his molars, rage clouds his eyes but I didn't care anymore.

" Whatever"

His cold voice chokes my lungs and next I know, he turns around to leave. Not bothering to even spare me a glance.

Once he is out of my sight , I let out a deep breath. Leaning my back against the wall, I wrap my arms around my stomach.

Even breathing hurts. I was seriously regretting coming after him.
20 minutes into the maze of these alleys, I stood at a crossword like a lost person. The streets were deserted, no soul was to be found. It was 1 o clock at night and my mind has failed me for the first time in my life.

I was lost.

I guess I was over confident. I thought I remembered the way back. But I didn't. 

Anxiousness started settling in and it only turned worse when with every step I took, the pain in my stomach worsened. From a dull ache it was turned into a persistent pain and all I could afford were curses for that guard who hit me.

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