Chapter 5

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(The group is terrified)

Billy: oh my god....I can't believe ethan is the killer...but ethan was here when lily was murdered...that means there is more than one...

(Ethan suddenly barges through the door, walking up behind billy)


(Billy smiles as ethan walks beside him, they look at eachother and smile at Beth and dave)

Beth: are the killer too?

Billy: Eh of course me, I expected more from the 2 of you after what you did to us.

Dave: who is us?

(Just then a killer walks up behind beth and Dave, the killer is in full ghostface costume, with blood all over the mask)

Beth: is it you...garret?

(Dave is just standing in front of them, beside Beth as he is just as scared as Beth is)

Masked killer: (Pulls down the hood to the costume and slowly takes off the blood covered ghostface mask to reveal Carrie...)

Carrie: hey roomies

Carrie: you didn't see that one coming did you?

Dave: yea because you died!

Carrie: kinda didn't...though, it was a good way to get off of the suspect list.

Beth: how...we saw your throat slit open...

Carrie: (Pulls down the ghostface costume slightly, pulling off a slit throat prosthetic) it's amazing what 6 months of special effects class can get you.

Beth: why...why are you guys doing this...

Billy: you really don't know...remember that person that you killed while drunk driving??

(Beth immediately Tenses up as Dave looks over at her, suprised)

Dave: this true?

Beth: yea...I was drunk driving and hit someone, they died of head trauma...but why does this have to do with you guys being murderers??

Ethan: because he was our brother...

Billy: The bond between a big brother and a little brother is inseparable...


Beth: I was drunk...I didn't mean to..

Billy: You don't just kill someone on accident bethany...

Beth: Well you should have protected him more...a fifteen year old shouldn't be driving...


(Carrie Pushes Beth and dave into the hallway)

Beth: we have to run...

Dave: ok...

(Dave and Beth run away upstairs and Carrie follows them, ethan stays downstairs, and billy follows them too)

(Beth somehow finds a kitchen knife and she finds Garrets hidden gun in the dresser)

Beth: we are surrounded...we have to go off the balcony...

Dave: ok...

(Dave climbs over the balcony, and all of the sudden a gunshot fires, startling Dave and he falls but catches himself before he fell fully off, he looks down and sees ethan trying to stab him)

Ethan: I've always wanted to stick something in you Dave!

Dave: fuck you!

Ethan: fuck you!

(Beth gives Dave the knife and she Whispers, " you have to jump..")

(Carrie walks up to Beth, Dave jumps down and ethan Stabs Dave,)

Ethan: GOTCHA!!

(As ethans mouth is still open Dave raises the knife and plunges it into ethans mouth)

Dave: gotcha!

(Dave twists the knife and pulls it out of ethans throat, blood splattering all over his face as ethans body hits the floor)

Beth: (Looks at carrie) looks like you are down another brother.

(Carrie looks like she is about to cry as she raises the knife and runs at Beth, Beth Pulls the trigger, shooting Carrie directly in the forehead, as her lifeless body falls off the balcony)

(Billy walks in just in time to see Carrie get shot, he looks at Beth in horror and rage)

Beth: always gotta shoot them in the head.

(She Pulls the trigger, the gun aimed at Billy, but all of the bullets are gone)

Beth: ah fuck

(She drops the gun as she runs at Billy, them colliding and falling off of the balcony together, Dave passes Beth the knife)

Beth: goodnight Billy

Billy: wait...stop...I'm sorry about garret...

Beth: oh really?

Billy: yes...

Beth: that's a shame because I really don't care

(Beth takes a deep breath as she starts stabbing Billy repeatedly, she Leans in  to hear Billy's heartbeat slowly fade away)

Beth: dave...are you okay?

Dave: yea I'm so good (he looks down at the stab wound in his stomach)

(Suddenly ethan pops up and runs at beth)

(Beth grabs the knife from out of Dave's stomach)

Beth: sorry I need this
(She throws the knife as it lands in the center if ethans forehead, he falls to the ground with a thud)

Beth: now let's call the cops and get out of here...

Dave: sounds like a plan to me.

(Beth looks in the closet for a phone, she finds the 3 ghostface masks, but her eyes go wide in horror as she pulls out a fourth ghostface mask...)


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