Chapter 22: A Normal Life

Start from the beginning

Alter-System: "Let's Loading! N-N-Nezumi!" 

A soulless version of the Rat Zodiac jumped out from the shadows, tackling the Monkey Zodiac to the floor and slamming its fists into the monster. The Monkey Zodiac shouted out in pain as it tried fighting back against the Rat, but the Rat felt no pain, nor did the Monkey deal enough damage to kill it. 

When it finally managed to shove the Alter Rat away, Alter himself stomped down on its chest and aimed the gun for the hollow head of the monster.

Alter-System: "Let's!! Finish The Timing! All Alter Shot!" The gun glowed as grey sand fell from the barrel. The coins on the sides of the gun began to spin, causing the Monkey Zodiac to howl out.

Alter-System: "First Shot, Usagi!" A spirit version of the Rabbit Zodiac shot out, tearing apart the skin of the Zodiac and creating a deeper crater.

Alter-System: "Second Shot, Buta! Third Shot, Ushi! Fourth Shot, Inu! Fifth Shot, Hebi! Sixth Shot, Ondori! Seventh Shot, Nezumi!"

The spirits behind all the fallen Zodiacs had fired into the Monkey Zodiac. Each shot reducing its body more and more in a painful fashion, until nothing remained...

(In the city)

After two long hours, the movie had ended and the pair of friends found themselves walking through the streets again. They talked about the movie, they talked about classes, even what Sakura was up to since KIbou was absent for quite the while. 

Kibou: "Hey, Sakura-san? Do you want to get something to eat?"

Sakura: "Will it be your treat...? I don't exactly want you to drop, like, 4k on some ice cream again."

Kibou: "Hehe, no. No, we'll split it. I don't have a job anymore, so I hope you don't mind."

Sakura: "Thank the Lord..." Sakura rolled his eyes. "I could go for something to eat."

Kibou: "Cool! Cool... Anything you're craving? The diner? Burgers? Pizza? I could go for a calzone."

Sakura: "A calzone? Do you mean those pizzas folded in half? Basically a glorified hot pocket?"

Kibou: "That's... an oversimplification of it, but yeah. Did you want something else?"

Sakura: "Just curious is all. I never tried the thing, but I'm open to new things."

A more hearty chuckle had escaped Kibou as Sakura talked about being open to new things. For as long as he remembered, Sakura was a picky person. It even got to the point where if things weren't made in a certain way, then he would absolutely refuse to eat them. 

Kibou: "There's a good pizza place nearby... Let's go there."

(HOME Base)

Connor: "So why are we even trying to replace Kibou as Chrono?" He asked as Zetsubou led Connor and Mercy throughout the hall of the facility.

Zetsubou: "It's better to be safe, rather than sorry. Even though we had defeated seven of the twelve Zodiacs, the fact remains that the Legendary Zodiacs remain. Something that'll be hard for Gears and Paradox to fell without the help of Chr—."

Mercy: "No offense, Chief, but I think they could accomplish that goal..." Mercy had interrupted, her eyes glaring at the back of Zetsubou's head. 

Zetsubou: "None taken, Mercy. I know firsthand just how cautious you can be, so using something as dangerous as the AI System is probably a last resort for you... AI? Just how many of the test subjects were compatible?"

Aibo: "Out of the forty-plus individuals, only seven had managed to pass the 25% threshold, with only three passing the physical."

Zetsubou: "Such a low amount... It'll have to do, regardless."

The four of them continued down the hall, with an uneasy feeling growing in Mercy. It was a good thing that Zetsubou had taken the lead, allowing her to grab Connor's attention without alerting their Chief.

She tapped Connor on the shoulder and held up her phone. Connor's own eyes grimaced as he read her screen, knowing just how intuitive Mercy could be... 'Do NOT trust him'.

(Old Factory)

Alter stood there, a longing look clear upon its visor as it stared at the Monkey Coin in hand. With that Zodiac down, only four had remained. One step closer to ascending to the Throne and changing the world into paradise. One step closer to becoming the King... Nay, a God.

Gears: "So you're that mysterious Kamen Rider that Mercy warned me about..." 

Alter looked over its shoulder and saw the secondary Rider of HOME approaching it. He remained in his base form, with no special Zodiac add-ons, which only made Alter curious as to Gears intentions.

Gears: "Mercy doesn't trust you, and from what I saw... Neither do I. So, that's why I'll be exterminating you."

(Dragnis' Tower)

Aquos: "Dragnis!" She shouted as she barged through the door.

Aquos: "It's been forever since you've called me! Does this mean that we'll fina— What's he doing here..." She turned over to Tignus, who was currently in Dragnis' armchair and smoking his fourth cigarette.

Tignus: "Apparently, the Dragon wants to ask us something important." The Tiger Zodiac didn't seem all that interested, flipping open the lighter he stole from Dragnis as he dragged out his next puff.

Dragnis: "Something very important... So I want you both to pay attention." His tone was serious, and commanded respect among them. 

Aquos stood up straight, her eyes going wide. Tignus stopped mid-blow and tilted his head to face the Dragon. For the first time in a long time, they felt fear as the Dragon acted like the Zodiac he was, and not a human like he wanted.

Aquos/Tignus: "What is it...?" They asked, their voices filled with dread.

Dragnis: "Something bad is just on the horizon... Which is why tomorrow I want to fight Chrono... and I need you two to keep Gears and Paradox busy."

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