Chapter 6: Brooke POV

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I wake up to the sound of the door opening and shutting. Percy left to go do something. Probably going to the lake. I check the clock. It's 5:16. Why the h*ll was Percy getting up so early. I didn't even bother trying to go back to sleep, because I knew it was worthless. I grabbed my robe and walked to the bathroom. I got into the shower.


I brushed through my wet hair, and put on a CampHalf Blood shirt, jeggings, and grabbed a white headband and put it in my hair, and got into my Converse shoes. I looked at the clock and it said 5:45. Where even is Percy. I went onto my iPhone, and got on Instagram. I logged onto my account, so I could post some fangirl stuff. I found that Hunger Games edit I did, and posted it. Along with the caption, "At a camp, so I might not be able to post as much! Don't hate me!" Pretty soon I had a few comments. "It's fine! Love ya!" "Try to post as much as possible please!" and "So not as much fanfic?". While I loved having 3k active followers, they were very demanding. I sighed and replied to them all. "Thanks! Love ya too!" "I will!" and "I've already got the next 10 chapters planned out, and written, so there will be quite a lot of fanfic!" You may be thinking "Didn't Baz say not to bring electronics? Well I brought some anyway because screw him and all that stuff. My phone and iPod are precious to me. I will never leave them behind. By then it was 5:51. I decided I might as well eat something, or at least sit outside. I grabbed my current read "The Selection" and headed outside. I sat down at the table Percy had told me was the Cabin 3 table. I noticed some people walking around, cleaning the area. As I looked closer, I noticed they looked part bird. Harpies. I thought. I thought about how delicious it would be to have a waffle right now, with whipped cream, blueberries, and strawberries. Lisa's specialty breakfast. I heard small snap, and that exact food appeared in front of me. Of course, this place had magic food plates too. I started to eat, and it was delicious. Just as good as how Lisa made it. Speaking of Lisa, I should probably write her a letter. After I finished, I started walking back towards Cabin 3, but not before I grabbed my book. Guess I won't be reading after all. I grabbed my mechanical pencil, and some pieces of paper. I started walking down to the beach, but before I got too far, I decided that I would take my Polaroid camera as well, so I could send her some pictures. First I took some pictures of the sunset rising over the ocean. I would take more pictures later, but first I should write.

"Dear Lisa,

I miss you! I'm sorry I left before saying a proper good bye! Guess what! Poseidon is my dad! I guess I now understand why you never let me go on air planes, but I don't understand why you wouldn't let me go swimming? I'm guessing that you knew that, but I still really don't understand. :(. Anyway, camp is so cool! Did you know Baz was a satyr? You must have. There are so many cool things here! I woke up early, and went to the dining area to read. I was thinking about how hungry I was and how I wished I had your special waffles, and they appeared out of no where!!! It was so cool! Speaking of food, how is your restaurant going? Are you getting more customers now? I really miss coming and helping cook. I hope I can visit you sometime!

Love ya!

XOXO Brooke Jackson XOXO

P.S. I included some polaroids from camp! Hope you enjoy them!"

I went around camp, taking more polaroids. Hopefully she won't get mad that I have my camera. That is just another thing I can't part with. I put the pictures in the envelope, and just before I put the letter in too, someone walked up behind me.

"Wait, your last name is Jackson?" I turned around, and it was Annabeth.

"Yeah. It's my real mom's last name. Before I came here, I lived with Lisa Heck, she adopted me."

"You look a lot like someone I know, mind if I take you there, and ask her something."

"Okay....? I guess. Just let me send this letter. I put it in the envelope and stood up. "Where is the mailbox?" I asked.

"Here, let me take care of it." She took it and walked to the trees. A girl appeared from a tree, and they talked for a minute, before the letter started floating away. Annabeth walked back. "Much faster that way." She said smiling. "Let me talk to Chiron and then we can leave. Wait here." She then ran off.

I stood in place awkwardly for a few minutes, before she came running back, smiling brightly and holding two tickets.

"Lets go!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a van. "Get in." She said, pointing to the back seat. I climbed in, while she jumped in the passenger seat.

"You seem much happier today." I say laughing.

"Well, Percy and I got back together." She says beaming.

"I'm so happy for you!" I smile, and give her a high five.



After a long car ride with some creepy silent guy who had eyes all over his body, we arrived at the Subway. We got on and soon arrived at the destination. We were in front of an apartment building.

"Welcome to Percy's mom's apartment. I have a feeling that she is also your mom. So that means you and Percy, could be siblings." Annabeth says, opening the door to the apartment with a key. I didn't even ask how she had the key. Instantly I was hit with the smell of candy, and I knew I was finally home.


Here is a long one! I did it on my computer instead of my iPod, so that's why. Anyway, hope you like it, because I worked hard on it!

Love ya!


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