Start from the beginning

Snail:<voice> Yes sir! The Invader-

Spandam: did you kill them? Well that's their own fault for being so weak.

Snail:<voice> The pirates, Who number about 60, have invaded and pushed into the courthouse plaza, the farthest point in the Enies lobby main island!

Spandam: . . . . . T-this it's a joke right.

Snail:<voice> the casualties of our guards are 5,000! And the captain, Straw Luffy and his crew members Infernal Monster Y/N is responsible for 3,000 of those!

Spandam: N-not f-five...

Snail:<voice> he suddenly disappeared, so we're searching for him right now! But we saw Y/N run up the wall to the Judgement Tower.

Spandam dropped the snail and ran towards the window.

Snail:<voice> this is probably unprecedented the worst situation we've had in the history of Enies Lobby!

Spandam: He made it to the window and saw Blueno staring at a hole in the ground, while Y/N was semi relaxing against the wall. *What The hell is happening on this island right now?!*

-on top of the Judgment tower-

Luffy's stretchy hand lifted him from the hole.

Luffy: My face door finally closed! Dusting himself off.

Blueno: of course. And open doors meant to close. I'm surprised that you could Dodge those Tempest kicks.

Luffy: yeah. Well, it's a piece of cake.

Blueno: *it's hard to imagine but he's completely keeping up with my speed even in my release State. He's changing the course of my Tempest kicks! He's got unbelievable physical abilities, and he doesn't even have a Release yet.*

Luffy: no good. I'm no good like this. When Aokiji defeated me, I thought "if I am to encounter more strong guys like him in the future, I won't be able to protect my friends.. unless I become stronger." I have friends I want by my side even if they're not strong. And even if they refuse to believe they're my friend. P

Blueno: Then what are you going to do?

Luffy: I came up with a new way to fight with all my strength.. so I won't lose anyone anymore. Spreads his legs out in a squat / sumo position. Two bubbles on his ankles shoot up into his body, giving his skin a pinkish glow. So that no one will go far away.

Blueno: *what's going on? What's happening inside his body?!*

Luffy: You'll now no longer be able to keep up with me, I'm completely out of your league. All my techniques have leveled up. He shoved his right fist into the floor, steam starts pouring off of his skin.


Blueno: are you trying to intimidate a steam engine or something by blowing off steam from your body? What kind of bluff is that?

Luffy: I'm glad that I met you guys while I did thanks to you I will lose anyone. So to thank you, i'm going to pummel you to the ground.... Lifts his left hand up in front of him making a fist with his right hand.
Gomu Gomu no...

Blueno: are you trying to aim an attack? It'll only give me a chance to dodge. Hmph. Why don't you aim well and hit me if you can? Soru!

Luffy: JET PISTOL! With a loud boom Luffy enhances his punch with an explosive burst of speed, Blueno couldn't even get a step off before being launched directly backwards.

Blueno quickly started swiping away the dust looking for Luffy. Luffy, came from the left with another jet pistol sending him flying back, followed up with a rifle jumping up into the air hitting him with a stamp stopping him from moving.

A Real Monster. one piece X Garou Like ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now