The Dance

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So what does everyone think so far? Please let me know❤

He took her hand and started making the way to the dance floor. Sophie was so supirsed that she just let keefe drag her to the dance floor, keefe said you r sure quite he said to Sophie as they danced with the music.Will I am I am just think she said back to him. Thinking about what? keefe said, how lucky u r that u do not have to dance with valin? Or how good I look? Keefe said smirking at the last on, Sophie blushed at the last one and looked down. Oh I see it was the latter wasn't? Keefe said with a nother smirk. Will I really can not blame you for looking at me I mean look at me, Sophie blushed even harder at this. Embarrassed that had been what she was thinking,Will this might be the best time I could tell him how I feel about him, she thought but would she want it to be public? but i might not have the courage again to tell him yes shw would do it now, Will here goes nothing she thought to herself, Kee....keefe she stamberd, there is umm.. something I ne..need to tell you.. She said finally getting the words out. Yes foster? he asked, Umm i... Then she was interpreted by the sound of a throat being cleared by a a angry looking dex, can we talk please he said to Sophie glaring at keefe a.d Sophie, Sure She said. In private he said shooting another glare at keefe. Will this is intrusting keefe said. Are you coming Sophie? dex asked angerly, annoying keefe statement.Yeah umm I will be back keefe she said with a small smile. What do u amt to talk about ahe asked dex as they walked to a quite corner in the room? 

What do u guys think he will say???😁

Also I was going to do tam and Biana but I kind of forget about that😬 So know I did dex and her. Tell me if I should do tam instead😊 of u want😊

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