𝟭𝟳. 𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 {𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱}

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Belle stood by the nurses station and smiled as she saw Jackson. The two of them held a look. She knew it wasn't easy. She knew all that had happened and how she was trying. She was trying to remain friends and it was hard as she knew that she and Jackson had tension still

Belle looked to see Webber as he walked over as Jackson looked to him as he handed him the cookies that Catherine had baked him

"Sir. From my mom. Cookies." Jackson said

"Oh, you know, that's not necess... " richard said

"Oh, and there's a message that I am supposed to read to you, make sure you get it. "Richard, I am in town doing a case at Seattle Pres." "Left you several messages and wasn't sure you got them." "I just want to make sure you're okay." "I'm worried about you," "baby." Uh, to be clear, that was her and not me. " jackosn said as belle glanced to him and smirked

" Well, please tell her I'm fine."

" Oh, no, you gotta take the cookies, sir. " jackson said

" That's such a nice gesture, but I'm trying to avoid sweets. Uh, would you like them?" Richard said

" Um, I can put them in the lounge, and everybody can enjoy them."

" Oh, that's a fine idea." Richard said as he walked off as belle walked over to where Jackson was

"Is he okay" she asked as Jackson looked to her and smiled

"He lost the love of his life. I don't think that fine is the word we are looking for. His wife is dead" he said as belle smiled

"Love is complicated" Belle said as Jackson looked to her and smiled

"It is" he said as the two of them held a look. She knew how things were and how they were just getting back to being friends and she knew it scared her as she knew that all that feelings were still there and she knew it was still tense

Belle walked into the attendings lounge with Jackson

"Dr. Webber rejected my mother's cookies." Jackson said

" That sounds dirty." Cristina said

"You would say that" Belle said

" She's worried about him. She wants me to assess his mood. She thinks he's depressed. " Jackson said

" Well, his wife died a month ago. Isn't he supposed to be depressed? " Alex said

" Of course, but, like, normal depressed or too depressed" Jackson asked

" I mean, he's fine. He's back at work. "Cristina said

" Nah, but he's not operating. " jackson said as he looked to Belle as she grabbed one of the cookies

"Maybe you should hold him." Alex said as Belle chuckled

"And I'm done. Enjoy the cookies. " Jackson said

"Thanks. Mm." alex said


"Hey. Where'd you get the cookies?" Meredith asked as she stood at the nurses station with Cristina

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