𝟭𝟬. 𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗵 {𝗥𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲}

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Addison Montgomery walked down the hallway of the hospital in boise. Her daughter was here. She had been found in the woods after days and she had to see her. She had to know that belle was okay.

She walked in and looked to see the cast in her daughter ankle and around her head was bandaged. She had obviously had surgery

"She'll be okay" a voice said as addison turned to see Jackson and hugged him

"What are you doing here" she asked as he smiled

"I came to see my sister I brought Mia to her and I had to see belle. She's only alive because of mark Sloan. She's got a fracture and had concussion that caused her brain to swell she'll be okay. She just didn't sleep so she's catching up now" he said as addison smiled. She walked over to belle and stroked her cheek and smiled as she sat next to her

"Did you mean what you said to me over her?" Addison asked

"You mean that I love her. I do but I dint think it's what she needs right now. I have to be there for her and I can't risk us over stepping that mark. She nearly died and the thought that I could of lost her terrified me" Jackson said as addison looked to him

"She had no idea how you feel about her does she?" Addison asked as Jackson shock his head

"No I left her a message telling her how much I love her. Telling her everything but she was out there and she was fighting for her life. She kier her phone and she didn't get it. Maybe it's for the best" he said as addison smiled

"I'd be happy if my Annabelle was with somebody like you. I have to try and get her back to Seattle but I don't know how I can. I just want to take her back to LA and never let her out if my sight again" she said

"I'll look after her. I won't let anything happen to her. She may not know how much I love her but I know I will never let anything her happen to her not after she had almost died" he said

"Mom" belle said as she walked in. She looked to see addison as she sat in the seat next to her bed

"Baby. Are you okay" she asked as belle glanced around

"What happened how did I get you. I don't remember" belle said as addison smiled

"You were in a plane crash"

"I know I remember. Lexie died. I watched the light leave her eyes feeling powerless and my head kills and my foot. Please say they saved the foot" she said

"They did. They got blood flow back and it's okay"

"Mark saved me mom. He saved my foot and if it wasn't for him I would of dried. How is everyone else. Please say no one is dead" she said as addison looked to her and smiled

"They're good. Derek hand needs an operation and Arizona could loose her leg. It will be okay" addison said as belle smiled

"I really thought I was going to die out there" she said as addison looked to her and smiled as she stroked her cheek

"I know. I knew that there was something wrong. I felt it in my blood and then bailey called me and said that you were missing and I did thing I'd never see my baby girl again but your okay. Your alive and your going to be okay but we need to get you on a place to Seattle because of Arizona condition"

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