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As dinner rolled around to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, everyone ate their meals peacefully and quiet conversation happened between friends and teachers. The Marauders, a group of friends from the chivalrous house of Gryffindor, sat in the hall planning their next big prank of the year. "I'm telling you, Pads. One day she'll say yes to me, I just know it." James Potter, known as Prongs to his friends, told Sirius Black, one of his roommates and best friends who could only roll his eyes at the man's umpteenth confession of adoration for the girl known as Lily Evans. Suddenly, a bang echoed throughout the hall which caused three of four houses to turn to the Gryffindor table and glare at the Marauders, who too, looked confused. "This wasn't us, Minnie." Sirius told the emerald-robed witch who rose an eyebrow at the confession as Dumbledore took the letter that had arrived with the bang and opened it, standing up to address the crowd of students wanting to know what was going on.

Dear people of the past

In light of recent events, we've sent some movies (a muggle form of entertainment) over to you to hopefully change the outcome of the future. Many who were faithful and loyal died in the second Wizarding war and that is one of the things we wish to change. Tomorrow, first thing, a select few of us will be joining you for breakfast and don't worry, after we have arrived, time outside the hall shall stop. Enjoy the rest of your evening, sincerely the future generation.

PS: we're not death eaters if that's what you think and to prove it, well be singing off with mischief managed.

The hall had errupted into uncontrolled whispers as Dumbledore finished reading the letter which caused him to point his wand upwards, creating four loud cracks as the students silenced and looked to him. "Dinner is over, please head to your dorms and get some sleep. We have a busy day in the morning." He said, causing the students to get up and one by one, filter out of the hall, going to their respective dormitories and turning in for the night. The next morning, when everyone arrived in the hall for breakfast, a small group of people were already there, causing both cautiousness and curiosity to circle about as they stood up. "Don't worry, we're not going to kill you." An alluring voice said, chuckling from beneath her hood as she continued. "We're the ones who sent the letter yesterday, but let's get on with the introductions, shall we?" The voice said, causing the first person to step forward and introduce themselves.

"Merry meet, I'm Hermione Granger. I'm 21 and was a Gryffindor during my school years at Hogwarts. You won't know my parents as they're muggles." A frizzy haired brunette said, pulling down her hood and stepping back into line as the next person went. "Hello, I'm Ronald Weasley - Call me Ron. I'm 20 years old and was also a Gryffindor during my time at Hogwarts. My parents are Arthur and Molly Weasley." The next boy said, pulling his hood down as he stepped next to Hermione, allowing the next to go. "Merry meet, I'm Draco Malfoy. I'm 20 years old and was a Slytherin at Hogwarts, my parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy née Black." Draco said, pulling down his hood as the hall got a good look at his features, ones that could easily rival those of the Black family. "Merry meet, I'm Harry Potter. I'm 20 years old and was a Gryffindor during my time at Hogwarts. My parents are James Potter and......" To keep up the suspense, the boy pulled his good down before continuing his sentence, "Lily Evans." James jumped up from his seat and rushed over to the redhead, planting a kiss on her cheek as his friends laughed at his childish actions.

"Merry meet. I'm Atlas Lestrange. I'm 23 years old and was a Slytherin during my time at Hogwarts. My parents are Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange née Black." The boy said, pulling his hood down as people marveled at his aristocratic looks that were nearly identical to the Blacks. "Saved the best for last, I see." The same voice that spoke first that morning said, earning an eye roll from Hermione as she introduced herself. "Merry meet. I'm Aneira Peverell and I'm 22 years old. My parents are James Potter and Lily Evans." Aneira said, smirking as she lowered her hood and basked in the stares she received, laughing as her father whooped and his friends laughed at his actions. "A stack of movies should be appearing... Round about now." As she finished her sentence, a stack of movies appeared at the high table, causing some to startle in surprise.

Dumbledore stood up and checked the case for any harmful spells as Minerva McGonagall changed the hall into a comfortable muggle-like theatre with bowls of sweets, snacks and drinks placed on tables every few metres. "Alright, let's start shall we?" Dumbledore asked, smiling warmly as his students all nodded eagerly, wanting to find out what the future was like.

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