Chapter 2.

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She doesn't know how long time she was unconscious but when she wakes up she was not at her home.

As she slowly sit up, rubbing her head as it hurts where someone hit her she looks around. She seamed to be in a basement, it was pretty chilly, and the walls and floors were all in gray concrete. In the far left corner there was a door. When she sees that she take just a few minutes to feel fully awake and ready. Hyping herself up to fight her kidnapper.

Mathilde, 'you can do it! You can do it! You can do it!' I repeat in her head as she walks over. She ses the door is unlocked and open it.

A long staircase leading up, she walks up. After awhile she finnalys at the top and sees another door. When she opens it it was a big luxuryus hallway. Decorated in gold and white. As she walks down she feels the same feeling of beeing watched. She looks around and finally spots someone in the livingroom.

He looks to be tall, his hair a perfect length. His toned muscles and abs showing through his too tight shirt. He sits in a man spread as he sips a glass of what Mathilde only can guess is whiskey.
She tries to tiptoe backwards, hoping he didn't see her, but suddenly she hears a deep voice say.

"Don't be shy, I know you're there"

The voice making her shiver. She hesitates but again hypes herself up to take him down in anything happens. She then walks a bit closer.
He parts the seat on the couch next to him and Mathilde slowly makes her way closer, sitting there.

"What do you want from me?" She asks.

He only smirks at her

"If you want money you're in bad luck, my friend uses all of my money" she adds

And he chukkles, a deep rich sound.

Mathilde blushes a bit but quickly looks away in embarrassment.
She feels a strong weiny arm grab her face and it tilts her chin towards him again.

Out of reflex she slaps him, and he only grins as I pulls her closer and kisses her. After a vit he pulls away.

"Hit me again. It turns me on" he says, still in a deep nice voice

She blushed and shot up, needing to escape. jogging down the hallway, embarresd and ashamed. She shouldn't be feeling what she feelt during the kiss......

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