Chapter 3: Titana's Own Show

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The car was then eventually in he city. While for Titana, it was a rough ride for her in the purse. As the car screeches for a halt, the woman exits the car and grabs the purse that Titana's in. As Titana looks outside the purse, she sees the woman smiling at herself as she heads to the front door of an apartment. And the sign on the door shocked Titana as she and the woman enter in the building.

Then the sign was shown, 'No Children Allowed.'

Meanwhile with Ash's toys...

Ash's toys were trying to figure out who the woman was and where to find her, if they find the woman, they find Titana. They were doing a crime scene with a Titana drawing thanks to Da Vinci.

"All right. Let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit A, Titana, was kidnapped. Exhibit B, a composite sketch of the kidnapper." Arkyean said.

Da Vinci then made an almost replica of the woman but with wrong hair.

"She didn't have a beard like that." Neera Li said.

"Fine. Da Vinci, give her a haircut." Arkyean.

Da Vinci then made a different hair on the drawing, but the toys were being a little bit picky about how the drawing looked.

"The kidnapper was taller than that." Raphtalia said.

"Oh, picky, picky, picky." Arkyean.

"Let's just go straight to Exhibit F. (Shows a model of the house) The kidnapper's vehicle. Now, the vehicle fled the scene in this direction." Carol said.

But, the toy car went the wrong way.

"Your eyes are in backwards. It went the other way." Arkyean.

"Hey. Put a cork in it." Carol said.

The toy car went the other way. That's when Xenophanes comes in with a missing poster drawing on his hands.

"How do you spell FBI?" Xenophanes asked.

Xenophanes then accidentally destroys Carol's crime scene.

"My crime scene!" Carol said.

"Oh, why don't you watch where you're going, blood hands?" Akryean asked angrily.

"I didn't know there was a crime scene." Xenophanes said trying to apologize.

Then, Houki then appears behind the bed.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. A little quiet, please. Thank you." Houki said.

Houki then disappears behind the bed. The toys were then curious what Houki was doing behind the bed.

The toys then see Houki with Andromon's text to speech hologram, as Houki was trying to figure out what the license plate was on the car.

"What are you doing, Houki?" Xenophanes asked.

"It's some sort of message encoded on that vehicle's I.D. tag." Houki.

"It's just a license plate. It's just a jumble of letters." Kaos said.

"Yeah, and there are about 3.5 million registered cars in the tri-county area alone." Arkyean said.

Houki was still trying to figure out any way what the license plate meant on the car.

"Oh, this can't help. Let's leave Houki to play with his toys." Kaos said.

The toys were then leaving Houki alone until Houki then figured out what the I.D meant!

"Toy. Toy. Toy. Hold on!" Houki said.

It then made everyone stop to see what Houki discovered. Houki presses a few buttons until hearing this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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