Back on the Isle

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Now Mal, Ben, and the others have just left to go pick up the kids. I told them i'd stay to make sure everything was ready like there rooms and what not. After about 20 minutes everything was ready, most of it was done just a few last touch up. I was sitting there watch the live of the new VKs. As the limo crosses it was stoped by hades trying to break through the barrier. Mal transformed into a dragon and trie to stop him but he had this blue gem and started draning her energy. After a while of fighting they got him back in and quickly drove off. I did a few last things before going to the front and waiting for the limo which pulled up about 5 minutes later. First Dizzy came out and gave me a big hug then a girl who had cards she was the daughter of Dr. Facilier we greeted each other. I could tell we'd get along she was a head-strong girl and she doesn't let people push her around. Lastly two twins that didn't talk much.

-Time skip-

Yet again I woke up in cold sweat and my necklaces beating. But I pushed it aside and got ready. Today was Janes party. Once I was ready, I went to visit my parents and then I stopped by Uncle Jacks house. When I entered he was dancing around with a bottle of rum nothing new.

"Ah my little pirate!" he says dancing around. 

"Hi Uncle Jack, can I talk to you."

"But of course, over a bottle of rum, eh?"

"erm yeah ok well its about this" I say pointing to my neckalce

"oh..." he said being more serious but still in his drunken state.

"Uncle Jack something happing, I'm having this dream about this, it starts of in this dark room, and it is laying on the ground and someone I know tells me to pick it up" I say sitting down and he sits in front of me, I don't mention who it is that tells me to pick it up.

"And the dead pirate's song starts, and I'm on the black pearl with all these pirate ghost and they bow to me and then start disappearing. And the person from before bows and calls me captain and the dream ends, i'll wake up in a cold sweat and it would be like beating... i-i don't know like a heartbeat." I say looking at Uncle Jack who sit there thinking

"Who was this person in your dream" he asks while stroking his beared

"uh, h-harry, harry hook. But why is he in my dream?" I ask

"did you guys have any conection? like did you fight of anything?" he's become more serious

"Erm when we fought Uma and her crew, I was fighting him and something happened and the necklace sent through a shock wave, but it looks like he got it to..." I say.

"mhm... Don't tell your parents, don't tell anyone." He says gesturing for me to leave.

"But what's happening?" I ask walking out.

"Come by tonight, 8pm" he says closing the door.

I don't think I have ever seen him so serious since he gave me the necklace when I was 13. 

After that I head over to the kitchen and see Carlos, Jay, and Evie. We pack the last few things for Janes party until it comes to the cake. But someone took a big chunk out of it! We all heard yelling outside and rushed out quickly to see Audrey with the scepter and crown. She soon disappeared into a pink smoke. I turn to see if Mals ok, but I saw an old hag instead.

"Gyah!" I jump but try to not make it obvious.

Jay and Carlos both jump a bit to and Evie try's her best to not react.

"You age... beautifully" I fake smiling which is returned with a tooth less one.

We talk about how we will undo the curse and stop Audrey. But the only thing more powerful that the scepter is Hades' ember. We go get our stuff ready and jump on our bikes and drive off to the edge where we will cross over to get to the isle. 

"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere" Mal says. and we drive onto the water.

As we drive, I felt the beating of my necklace began. I look into the water and see a very dim glow. I push it aside as we drive onto land. We come to a stop and park our bikes.

"Hey, I'm me again!" I hear Mal cheer making me laugh a bit. 

We all follow Celia into her dad's place. It's filled with arcades and clown looking stuff. it's actually quite cool if you ask me. When Celia sees her dad, she greets him and they do a little dance making me smile at the bond they have. Carlos turns on a TV and it starts talking. Looks like Audrey got what she wanted the whole of Auradon is asleep. I start to worry a bit if my family is ok, but I don't let is get the best.

-Small time skip-

We head out the door to see pirates on our bike. oh, come on. My eyes lock with Harry as something very clearly washes over us. I try and shake it off, but my necklaces start beating again.

"Long time nay see" Harry says in his Scottish accent trying to act normal after whatever just happen. 

"Get off my bike, harry" Jay said as we try and stop them.

"Catch me if you can Jay!" he said before letting out a psychotic laugh and driving off.


First chapter of descendants 3, stay hooked 

Cursed Love ~ harry hook x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu