VI: Gala Ablaze

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I pinned up the sides of my locks, smiling and humming.

I was going to the gala.

I had picked out a lush dark blue dress for me, mysterious, befitting my aura.

I didn't want to be known there, but I wanted to be seen.

A few final touches, and I was done with my makeup.

If only I could show him...

I settled the sapphire engagement ring in my dainty finger.

Picking up the diamond necklace, I held it to my neck.

And then, I wore it.

Confidence ran in my blood today, for some reason.

I drove to the gala, alone, but not lonely.

The men were shocked at my audacity,

Even more shocked at my dress.

"That dress, and she drove the car?"

I held up my left hand to fix my dress, and the men went silent.

They had known I was out of the league.

The jewels were pretty. Gorgeous, in fact.

I wanted to buy each and every piece.

And yet, I stopped myself.

Glancing at the cufflinks, I called out for the saleswoman.

Those cufflinks had little sapphires embedded.

A perfect gift for him, it could be.

The saleswoman explained, it was sterling silver.

"Do you customize?" I asked.

She nodded. I wrote down our initials, and paid the amount.

"It'll only take half an hour, madam," she said, walking away.

I went to where the sets were displayed.

Royal, regal, minimal and dramatic, they had it all.

One caught my eye.

I clicked a picture, and silently gazed at them.

I was indecisive, I didn't know if I really wanted them.

"They'd look lovely on you," said a sweet voice from beside me.

I turned to look at her.

"Thank you," I greeted.

"But this," she said, pointing to the one on my neck, "Is the prettiest."

"You're making me blush," I said, and looked away.

"Engaged?" she asked.

"Oh," I glanced at my ring again. "Married, eight months now."

"That's wonderful. Oh look- you're blushing again!"

"Seems like you're in love," she chuckled.

"Perhaps more than that," I replied. We continued talking.


"Your order, ma'am. Thank you for the purchase," said a salesboy, handing me a small bag.

The cufflinks.

"Oh, you did buy something," my new friend teased.

"They're cufflinks for my husband," I explained.

"Ooh...oh! Dinner's being served," she exclaimed, and ushered us to the tables.

By the end of the meal, we were laughing and giggling like little girls.

I had forgotten how to make friends, and now, she'd given me a nice thing to remember.

Her phone began ringing. She picked it up.

"Oh yes, you're here already?"

"That's fantastic, I'll come then."

She turned to me.

"My husband has come, I'll have to go," she said.

Her voice turned sad.

"It's okay," I shrugged. "Let's exchange numbers!"

She bid me goodbye, and I bid her too, standing there all the same.

I watched her waltz through the crowd, disappearing from my gaze once,

But I continued watching her.

I wanted to know, who was the lucky man that had claimed her.

She smiled, burst into laughter, and embraced him,

Happiness on both their faces.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek.

But tears filled up my eyes, blurring my vision.

I wished to see no further.

It was him.


My lord husband.

"My one and only..."

A gasp left my lips, but I continued to stare.

Tears streamed down my cheeks.

I wiped my tears, aghast, appalled.

And for a fleeting moment, his eyes met mine.

Distrust slapping his face, and slapping mine too, all the same.

He held out his hand, attempting to stop,

Attempting to explain,

But I was tracing back my steps.

"Ma'am?" the saleswoman from my earlier called, a worry in her eyes.

"Do you need anything?" she asked.

"Where's the exit?" I whisper-cried.

"To your left, ma'am. I'll-"

I saw him run towards me, and I ran.

I blitzed down the steps, not caring for myself, not caring for anything.

My dream was broken. Shattered into pieces and shards.

And now, those shards were poking me. Pinching me.

Making me bleed.

I heard him call out my name in his hoarse, panicky voice.

I had nothing to do with him now.

"My one and only..."

"I'm not his one and only!" I screamed at myself, rushing forward and out the door.

A taxi was there, dropping off late guests.

"Wait!" he called out from behind me.

I opened the door, and sat in the car.

"Where to, ma'am-" the old driver called, but stopped when he saw me.

And the man running behind for me.

"Anywhere," I whimpered.

"Anywhere, anywhere, far, far away from here."

And I burst into sobs, clutching my dress.

The bag came into my view along with my purse.

His cufflinks.

Our monograms, intertwined.

Our bodies...

"Oh no," the driver murmured to himself, driving away.

"Another case of a heartbreak."

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