\1) Shut it, bookworm!-Noah x Fem!Reader/

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Requested?: No

Setting?: TDWT 

    After today's challenge, you had been reading your book- "Romeo and Juliet" -For the last hour or two because it was honestly sickening being forced to listen to Sierras non-stop chattering about her "Cody-kins" right next to you.

 Sure, Cody was a decent friend of yours, you had Spoken to him quite a bit so far, and he introduced you to Noah and Owen. But you didn't feel like being mauled by the escaped mental patient he was stuck with, so you let them be. 

Occasionally, you would steal a glance at the boy- who was also reading -across from you, Noah. A few of those times, he was staring right back at you. Every time you were both caught in an awkward stare, you got major butterflies. 

You had spoken quite a lot after Cody introduced you and Noah, you both shared your sense of sarcastic humor, and love for novels and books. You have to admit, you've had a crush on him recently, and little did the two of you know, the feeling was mutual. 

"Y/n! Help me! I'll do anything!" Cody whined, practically begging you to save him from Sierra's smothering him. "Yeah... No. Hard pass. You're a good friend, but i just don't feel like having my head smashed through the plane windows today, sorry." 

Noah let out a slight snicker from your sarcasm, but awkwardly covered it with a fake cough, his face tinted a hardly noticeable pink. As Cody was being suffocated, Noah creased the corner of his page, and walked over to sit next to you. 

"Hey Noah-It-All. Decided to interact with people today?" You teased. Cody and Owen exchanged a glance and raised an eyebrow at Noah. Noah ignored them and smiled at the nickname. "Yep, looks like it's a blue moon tonight." The two of you chuckled. "Looks like we're reading the same book." 

You looked at the two books and smiled as Noah pointed it out. "Oh. We are. I hadn't noticed! Wanna do a note swap?" The two of you blushed ever so slightly at the thought of hanging out with your crushes. "Sure, c'mon!" The two of you gathered your things and gathered in the corner, making it easier to sit on the floor without falling. Sierra released Cody finally, and Owen took the place of me and Noah. "They are head-over-heels for each other!" Cody whispered. Owen and Sierra nodded, watching you two leave to swap notes.

After watching you laugh at his dry jokes, Noah realized how much he loved your laugh. He was then confronted by Owen, Sierra, and Cody after the note-swap. They all decided that Noah is going to confess later that night. Surprisingly, Noah actually planned to follow through with his friends meddling.

You were in the confessionals without realizing the doors lock was broken off. That's when Noah gently creaked the door open. "Y/n? Mind if say something.?"




"Y/n," Noah began. "I'm not good with all this.. Relationship stuff.. So i'll say it quickly. Recently, I've been blushing a lot around you, and I've been admiring everything you say and do. And, i think it's because.. I like you. I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend..?" Y/n gasped, about to speak- "UH! I mean it's... Its okay if y-you don't want to, I'm not forcing you to do it-"

"Oh- Shut it, Bookworm!"

You gently lifted his face towards yours and kissed him. He started blushing madly, but accepted the action."Is that the answer you were looking for.?" You just smiled as he flusteredly hugged you, burying his face into your shoulder. you hugged back. "Thanks... Love you." Noah muttered. 

"Love you too."

-612 words

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