"The lawn guys here are awful" Lennon spoke up, I could tell on her face she was slightly embarrassed at their grass situation, although it was just me and there was no reason to be. It's obvious Lennon has enough on her plate and the grass should be the least of her worries. "Hudson used to cut it, but then you know, so I hired people but they're always cancelling"

"I'll cut it" I offered.

Instantly, she shook her head. "No, you don't need to do that"

"Just let me do it" I argued. It'll take like twenty minutes, there's no reason why I can't cut it and make the area more enjoyable for the kids.

"I don't need to ask for help Harry, we're fine" Lennon remarked, patting Theo's back who has now made his way over here and clung himself to Lennon's leg.

"You didn't ask, I offered. Let me do it for Theo" I stared at her.

"Theo, can you say hello?" Lennon gasped in excitement, changing the subject.

"Hi" Theo mumbled.

"Hi Theo" I waved. "Are you blowing bubbles?"

He didn't respond.

"Yep" Lennon cut in. "Blowing bubbles. You made some really big ones, yeah bud?"

Theo looked up at her and nodded.

"That's super cool" I commented.

"Why don't we head inside teddy? I think Harry brought us over another surprise, are you excited to know what it is?" Lennon smiled and bent down to pick Theo up and hold him on her hip. He avoided eye contact with me, and nodded his head to Lennon.

"I'll grab the stuff and go around front" I said, and backed up from the fence. Lennon nodded in response and made her way over to the twins to get them all inside from the back door.

I took the cooler from the backseat and met Lennon at the front door so she could unlock it for me. The two of us headed to the kitchen to set up, and I heard the kids all in the living room playing. I began to pull out the supplies from the cooler while Lennon grabbed bowls, utensils, and an scooper.

"Wow, you brought a lot"

"It's ice cream sundae Sunday" I held the whipped cream in my hands and stared at her.

"How long did it take you to think of that?" Lennon quirked an eyebrow.

"The whole drive over here"

"You are so" Lennon shook her head, laughing.

"Hilarious. I know" I shrugged, and opened up all of the ingredients.

"That's one way to put it. Theo! We're ready!"

We heard the sound of a toy getting tossed aside, and Theo's footsteps running into the kitchen. God, that was a sound I never thought I would experience. Theo didn't know what it was right away, but Lennon lifted him up onto the counter and his eyes widened.

"Ice cream" Theo giggled, appearing happy but still calming his expressions when he knew I was standing right there.

"Are you so happy?! Harry did this for you, say thank you" Lennon rubbed his back.

"Thank you" Theo whispered.

It was so easy to tell how good of a mom Lennon was. In just the short amount of time I've been around the two of them, she's always encouraging Theo to use his manners but also respecting his comfort levels. It was also evident in the way that the only time Theo agrees to speak to me, is when he is saying hello or thank yous. He knows that she won't get mad or upset if he refuses to answer her other questions.

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