silly roommates

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Ash/youngest - mostly lazy, doesn't like to do anything, flirty at times, doesn't have a job, 17yrs old.

Michael/oldest - pays for everything, gets annoying w Ash's laziness very quickly, basically does everything around the apartment, 22yrs old.


Quick background; Ash had decided to run away from her family when she was 14, she wanted to feel freedom far, far away from a Christian household. She was lucky enough to have a friend like Michael, she was forever grateful for him being able to help her leave, especially because they had lived states away. Though Ash say that she'd try her best with anything Michael asked, or wanted her to do, it was difficult, she wasn't used to doing much work. She still had amazing grades in her new school, but, working hard at her new home, she didn't want to, usually just because she was extremely lazy, but she still tried her best, and Michael was at least proud at her for trying. For Ash, Michael was the parent she had always wanted, someone she could look up to, someone who could teach her things that her old family didn't want to. Back with her old family, Ash could have never dreamed of such a fun life. It was like a dream that she never wanted to wake up from.

————No ones pov:

"Ash, wake up, you're going to be late for school." Michael growled, if he was late to work again because of Ash again, he swore to kick her out. "Five.. M- more rounds.." Mumbled Ash, covering her eyes with her blanket, "Can you just get up from your sex dream, I don't have time for this." Ash grumbled, "I don't wanna go to school today.." She'd wine out, just how she did every single morning. Michael brushed his hair with his fingers with a long sigh before leaving the others room. But only moments later coming back with a bucket full of cold ice water. "You have till the count of 5 before I throw this water on you." Still, Ash wouldn't bouge. "You know, I'd be such a shame if my hands were to slip and this bucket of water were to get all over your newly straightened hair" "..." Ash took a second to process what Michael had just said, would she really let him pour cold chilling water on her and ruin her hair that she had just finished straightening all by herself for the very first time the day prior  just to get a couple more minutes of sleep?

"Go suck your little baby dick." Ash mumbled, unwillingly getting up from her bed and sitting on the edge, giving Michael an annoyed look for making her get up from her beauty sleep. "Good, breakfast is in the kitchen, get dressed quickly, the bus will be here in 20 minutes, and remember, I'm the one who is picking you up today" "Mhm.." Ash let out a yawn as she started to brush her hair, "I remember, you don't have to keep reminding me, but could you care to please tell me why you are the one who is picking me up and not the bus?" Ash questioned, picking out her clothes from the closest and layed them down on her bed before looking at Michael with her usually poker face. "I already told you, it's a secret" he didn't say anything else and quickly left the room before he'd get questioned furthermore.
Ash sighed, "what a strange guy".

Ash yawned, grabbing her glasses from on top of her head and putting them on, she quickly got on the bus and sat down at the every back were to one was, she put her earbuds on and started listening to music as well as trying to go back to sleep. That was all disturbed when she felt a pair of hands on her, which made her jump in surprise, it was her friend, Maria. "Lo siento, te asusté? (Im sorry, did I scare you?)" Maria asked with chuckle, using her usual soft and gentle voice, "Si..(Yes)" Ash sighed, turning the volume of her music down and putting one of her earbuds back into their case. "Hiciste la tarea de matemáticas?(did you do the math homework?)" Ash paused for a moment, "Teníamos tarea de matemáticas..?(we had math homework?)" She asked in a low voice, trying to recall the day before to try and remember the homework they had. Maria laughs though, finding it quite funny that Ash forgot they had homework, "Puedo copiar tu tarea por favor..?(can I copy your homework please?)" "Claro que si(of course)" "gracias, María..(thanks, María)".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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